The Wellness Universe Quote of The Day by Robert Clancy

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Robert-Clancy-129

The Wellness Universe Quote of The Day by Robert Clancy

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Robert, visit his page to find more of his inspiration. Here is is expanded thought…

Love in all its infinite glory is such a simple word, but have you ever thought deeply about what it truly means; what it means to your heart, and what is means to your precious soul? Love may be a simple label we place upon things that matter to us, but love represents how our essence is connected to the very fabric of the Universe.

Love is so powerful it even transcends death itself. Every ounce of love you’ve ever shared returns to you ten-fold over. All the strength you’ll ever need is built upon a foundation of love; let this be the place where your heart has made its home.

If you’ve lost faith in love, look no further than your own hands, for you always hold it. If you’ve lost hope in love, place those hands upon your heart, for you’re always covered with it. If you’re truly lost, look no further than your own hope-filled heart, for love always begins there.

Simply said…love!

All love & Light!


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