The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day for January 3rd by Trudy Brookes

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day for January 3rd By Trudy Brookes #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #QuoteOfTheDay

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day for January 3rd by Trudy Brookes


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Trudy and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


I really and truly believe that animals are Angels in disguise.
I am blessed to have many pets of my own.  I have 2 gorgeous little Border Terriers named Mr Darcy and Daisy, and 6 wonderful cats.
Each week we visit my mum-in-law, who is in a Residential Nursing Home, as she suffers from Alzheimers and is unable to live alone now because she has deteriorated rapidly.  Our dogs are able to visit while all the Residents in the Nursing home take so much comfort from being able to stroke and pet our calm, sensitive and caring Border Terrier, Mr Darcy.  He goes in and wags his tail, sits with each Resident, and spends a few minutes with each and every single person.  He just sits beside them and lets them talk to him and make a fuss of him. I love to see how their faces light up when we arrive with the dogs.  They really do make a difference to the lives of the Residents.  They are, in my opinion, doing a great service.  I know some dogs are trained to be \’service dogs\’, but Mr Darcy and Daisy are both so sensitive to the people.  I know that they sense the energies of the Residents and they know how to behave with each person.
I also have 6 cats and I know, from my own personal experience, that if I am feeling stressed in any way, stroking my cats or dogs physically and mentally de-stresses me.  It has been scientifically proven that the sound of a cat purring is beneficial in lowering blood pressure and calming people in general.
I, therefore, believe that animals really are a huge blessing in our lives and we should cherish them as they are Angels in disguise.


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