The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda Kaplan

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda-Kaplan-WU-150

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda Kaplan

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Our thoughts make up our lives.

The way we think about things is most often the way we see things.

Our parents generally provided us with our first role models in our lives.

We saw how they did things and this shaped our world when we were very young.

When we went to school, our teachers and friends said and did things, and this also moulded and affected the way we saw and thought about our world.

We began to see the word around us in a different way.

For good or bad, these people and their influences moulded our thoughts and behaviours.

For good or bad, some of these thoughts have stayed with us till our adult lives.

But now we can take over the reins.

We are in charge of our thoughts. We are in charge of our feelings and we are in charge of our behaviours.

Our thoughts can change at any time. This then can flow on to our feelings and finally our behaviours.

When we change our thoughts, we change the way we see our world and the people around us.

If you have had a lot of negativity surround your life, you might have unconsciously taken on this energy and thinking. But you do have the means to change this way of being.

With practice (and assistance from professional therapists if needed), you can change your thinking in to a more positive outlook and way of being.

The way you see things can then help you to feel better.

If previously you woke in the morning, and dreaded to get out of bed to face the day and its challenges, and go to work, then you can aim to change the way you see your morning.

Perhaps you can change your thoughts on waking in the morning. You can re-frame your thoughts about your morning.

Perhaps start to think that it is a wonderful privilege to wake up at all in the morning. Your ability to get out of bed easily and dress in your favourite clothes. Eat a nutritious meal, and drink your favourite brew.

Attend to important matters that generate an income for you. See people that bring a smile to your face. Speak with people who bring you happiness.

So when you wake in the morning from now on, seeing a beautiful new day can bring you joy. You feel good. You feel more able to take on the challenges that present you in your day. This idea can then flow on to all other areas of your life.

Seeing it rain can be a dampener to some people’s moods. Most of us prefer a sunny day. But you can decide that a rainy day is a good day to be working inside. Getting all those tasks done that you had saved up “for a rainy day”.

“Change the way you see things and the way you see things change”.

Surround yourself with inspiring messages. Whether on social media, or reading books that inspire you. Make it a regular practice and activity that you now focus on changing your thoughts. You will notice that you see the world around you differently.

You will likely also notice how those around you observe their world according to their thoughts.

So, you can influence your world in ways that you might never have previously considered.

Your mind is powerful. A wonderful part of your body that affects you physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Take care what you think, and it will take care of how you feel and behave.

Share your joy with your family and friends.

They will receive happiness from your happiness.

Changing the way you see things ultimately changes how you used to see your world. Concentrate on seeing positivity, beauty, joy, happiness, and love, and that is what you will ultimately see in your world.

If others notice a change in you, then you can smile, and share your secret to your happiness.

“Change the way you see things, and the way you see things-change!”

Visit and see more from Lynda at

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