Timothy and Janette Sharing Their Why

Timothy and Janette Sharing Their Why #WUVIP #Sharing #Their #Why #TheWellnessUniverse #InspiringMembers

We are clear on our “What” we do and “How” we do it, but our “Why” keeps us doing it daily with love and commitment. Our Why is our driving force. It creates the roadmap in our hearts to live to our fullest potential. 

Your why is what makes you a lighthouse! Own your TRUTH by sharing your WHY … The world needs your LIGHT!

Meet below, two inspiring people who are changing lives every day by living and sharing their why on purpose. After you see what Timothy and Janette have to say, please share Your Why with us in the comments!

Meet Timothy Gay

Timothy Gay is a Certified Theta Healing Practitioner® and founder of The Infinite Transition. He uses his gift of ThetaHealing® to help people to detox the mind by clearing old limiting beliefs and helping them transition into their authentic truth. Timothy\’s journey has seen him go from depression and at his lowest, becoming suicidal. After being a seeker for many years, he found Theta Healing which helped him release and heal his suicidal depression, which he hasn\’t dealt with since.

Timothy is passionate about self-healing and promotes inner-work. He believes that with the best tools, guidance and support system, we can heal ourselves, step into our power, and live our truth.

Meet Janette Stuart

Angel Angles is my labor of love. I have wanted to express my soul’s work in a more visible way and am now devoting more time to Angel Angles which was started in 2014. Angel Angles exists to spread more love, joy and peace out into the world.

I recently retired after 24 years in public service, as an administrator in finance and human resources. I live with my husband Mark and our boxer dog Spike in the San Francisco Bay Area. We have a grown son, Max, who is in the Coast Guard. He has been a joy to me every day of his life. I am blessed to have a close bond with my loving family.

As a lifelong empath, I have experienced people’s feelings deeply. I have a deep compassion for my fellow man and love deeply. I choose to live a joy filled life each day and hope to help others do the same.

My hope is that you will feel more love, joy and peace by visiting Angel Angles. I encourage you to shine your very special light into the world and live your life listening to your heart. Your soul knows the answer.

Call To Action!
Share with us your why. Tell us what you do. Are you a stay at home mom or a supreme court judge? No role is insignificant because YOU have a “why” you do it. Inspire the readers on The Wellness Universe around the world in the comments below.
This is not a contest. You won’t win anything, but what you do get is a wonderful sense of sharing your story and helping someone else to have the confidence to pursue their “why” too.
Thank you!
Members of The Wellness Universe, submit your video here to be featured.
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