Wellness Video Tip with Dawn MacLaughlin Episode 10

Wellness Video Tip with Dawn MacLaughlin Episode 10 #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Episode10

WATCH this week’s (Episode 10) Wellness Wednesday Video Tip from WU World Changer Dawn MacLaughlin. She shares her #1 tip to achieve the greatest impact with your relationship with food!

More About WU World Changer Dawn MacLaughlin:

Dr. Dawn MacLaughlin is The Food Freedom Coach. Her passion is helping women of all shapes and sizes free themselves from fighting food, weight, and body so they feel confident, energized, and ALIVE, without dieting, and without giving up the things they love. As a former binge-eating, yo-yo dieter who has released 100 pounds, Dawn is quite familiar with the toll the struggle takes and how liberating it is to finally break free.

Dawn is professionally certified as a Health Coach, an Eating Psychology Coach, and a Transformational Coach, Mastery Level. She has been featured in mindbodygreen and interviewed for TV, radio, and tele-summits. She also offers informative and dynamic speaking experiences that inspire and motivate participants to take action.

When not coaching, speaking, or creating, Dawn likes to relax poolside in her hammock with a good book, or play with her crazy fur babies.

Happy Wellness Wednesday and we hope you\’ve enjoyed this video tip! Be Sure to Connect with Dawn MacLaughlin!
The Wellness Universe Team


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