Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for April 10th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for April 10th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForApril10th #WednesdayWisdom #WordsOfWisdom

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for April 10th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“Surrender is not giving up; it is giving in.”

Surrender has surfaced many times for me over the course of the last few weeks or so.

It isn’t the first time this happened, but it does seem to be becoming more prominent. As this happens with any topic it is an indication that this is something for which I need to pay particular attention.

As I consider surrender one of the first images to surface is that of the white flag being raised in defeat. A person or group defeating another by proving itself stronger and more dominant.

Another image is one I hear so often when people tell their story of hitting rock bottom and finding themselves curled up in a fetal position on the floor of their bathroom crying in despair for someone or something to come save them.

These images of surrender have caused me to view surrender as weakness or hopelessness, neither of which is true.

What I have come to realize is to surrender is to relinquish the fight of defending one’s small self-identity to allow the True Self’s identity, that which we truly are, to be what is experienced and expressed in this world through us and as us.

This doesn’t mean the small self is vanquished to some dark corner of our lives. It is far from that. It is the realization of the inherent collaboration between our Divine spirit and human spirit to create a world of love, joy, and peace in which we all share in the goodness life has to offer.

Surrender is not about giving up; it is giving in to. It is giving in to the magnificence of what is and can be.

It is giving in to the Truth of who you are, to your magnificence. It is ceasing to defend who you are not and allowing that which you are, your Divine Self, to be the experience and expression you embrace and enjoy while in physical form.

See you back here this time next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for April 17th!

– Jim

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