Wellness Video Tip with Timothy Gay Episode 17

WATCH this week\’s (episode 17) Wellness Video Tip with WU World Changer Timothy Gay! Timothy shares his #1 tip for healing whatever it is that you may be experiencing.

Learn More About WU World Changer Timothy Gay:

“I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and currently reside here. Growing up, I was very involved in the arts and developed a background in music and entertainment. I started off singing and eventually picked up the saxophone. I was in many choirs and bands as a child, and it was fun. But while everything was fun, I was never able to enjoy it.

For years I suffered from suicidal depression that began in grade school. When I was a child, I went to therapy twice and put on medication for depression. After being on the meds for a short time, I didn’t like how they were making me feel, so I stopped taking them. I began to learn a few coping techniques that helped manage my depression, but managing was all I was doing. I often went in and out of depression. After coming home from a year in college, I learned my brother teaching himself meditation, so I decided to learn with him. Meditation was a great way to let my mind and body go, to relax; however, it wasn’t enough as it did nothing to address the depression.

I started seeking spiritual groups, even going as far as traveling to Canada to meet new people. While it was good, I still felt lost very often. I started exploring new spiritual practices and began studying with a teacher, but still felt like something was missing. I wasn’t sure what to do or if I could keep going anymore. I was beginning to lose hope.

One night, I got a last-minute invite from a friend to meet a person who did something called “ThetaHealing” at an event she was hosting. I already had something planned that evening, but something intuitively told me that I needed to go. At the last minute, I ditched my prior engagement and went to meet this Theta Healer. That night, I was introduced to ThetaHealing® and knew it was exactly what I had been looking for. The modality immediately touched me in ways nothing had touched me before. I loved how I could feel the immediate effective change. I knew I had to experience more, on a deeper level.

My experience with ThetaHealing® was so profound that it only took a 30-minute healing session to clear up my suicidal depression. I haven’t dealt with any symptoms of depression or suicide since. At that point, I knew there was something more to this that I had to share with as many people as I could.

I began to take classes and study ThetaHealing® for myself, becoming certified as a ThetaHealing Practitioner®. Through study and practice, I was able to clear up emotional attachments to things I had held on to for so long. I became happier and felt much more alive than I had before, finally believing I could thrive and live without everything having to be a struggle.”

Happy Wellness Wednesday and we hope you’ve enjoyed this video tip! Be Sure to Connect with Timothy Gay!
The Wellness Universe Team

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