Wonderful Exquisite You

Wonderful Exquisite You by Janette Stuart #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WonderfulExquisite

Each one of us has our own unique likes, desires, talents and challenges that make us uniquely us. Dear one, have you forgotten the truth of you and the wonderful exquisite you that may be buried deep inside? Sometimes as we grow older, life’s circumstances weigh us down and we pile responsibility and adulthood on top of those dreams we held as children or young adults. Some of us consciously make the decision to put the dreams of childhood behind us as we feel the pressure of the world’s image of adulthood looming and the call to conform to that image overpowering. We trade in dreams and desires, play and joy for what we should do, should be, or should have by a certain stage in life.

Today, I invite you to remember the wonderful exquisite you that you are.

What were the dreams and desires of your youth? What did you love to do when you were younger? Did you or someone else tell you those dreams and desires were impossible, silly or selfish? Today, take the opportunity to spend a few moments in quiet reflection as you recall the dreams and desires of your youth. When did you stop listening to the desires of your heart? Feel, listen or imagine what that wonderful exquisite you from yesteryear would whisper to you from deep down in the depths of your heart and soul today. What would that loving voice encourage you to do?

Is it time once again to stop, open and listen to those deep seated inner nudges? Today, make a commitment to yourself to schedule in some “you time” to remember and celebrate that wonderful exquisite you, to delight in an activity you cherished as a child or young adult. You may also want to partake of a special treat from that time period: something to eat, listening to music from that time, visiting a place from your youth or reaching out to a dear friend who may have shared those desires.

Here’s to you, dear one, to that wonderful exquisite you who is seeking to open up and once again live from that place of delight and dreams, joy, and desire. Here’s to you reaching deeply and bravely doing something today which delights your heart. Here’s to you and the wonderful exquisite you seeking to step forward today, one brave baby step at a time. I am delighting in you every step of the way and cheering you on with so much love. My new book, , speaks of finding our inner joy and connecting to our Creator.

You may find that it benefits your wonderful exquisite you. 

