15 Reasons to Laugh More

15 Reasons to Laugh More and Live Better

Imagine if you were healthier just from a few extra chuckles a day? Here are some reasons to laugh more and how you can create the space in your life to incorporate some good ol\’ belly laughs, giggles and rip roaring moments.

Physical health benefits of laughter

  • Boosts immunity
  • Lowers stress hormones
  • Decreases pain
  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Prevents heart disease

Mental health benefits of laughter

  • Adds joy and zest to life
  • Eases anxiety and tension
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves mood
  • Strengthens resilience

Social benefits of laughter

  • Strengthens relationships
  • Attracts others to you
  • Enhances teamwork
  • Helps defuse conflict
  • Promotes group bonding

These 15 health benefits were found at https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/laughter-is-the-best-medicine.htm

Beyond the health benefits of laughter, adding to our Social Wellness, laughter is a universal language.

What a wonderful way to communicate. Read more on a study that was done http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/7071629/Laughter-is-a-universal-language.html

Now, when was the last time you laughed? Increasing your well-being by laughing more clearly has its perks physically, psychologically and socially.

How can you increase your opportunities to laugh more?

  • Decrease negativity in your life. Exposing yourself to negative talk, visuals or even the evening news can cause you to worry and stress more even after you have turned it off.
  • Increase play. Playtime for adults, whether it be sports, hobbies or doing something fun and exciting gives you the okay to forget about your problems.
  • Increase positive people, information and experiences in your life. This includes disengaging in phone calls and text messages from people who like to \’stir the pot\’. Hang out with your positive-minded friends and loved ones more.
  • Socialize more. Get out there, make new friends and get involved in conversations about things you enjoy.
  • Attend Laughter Yoga or other workshops created to bring out the LOLs.
  • Get silly! When was the last time you sang into your hairbrush? Had a bubblegum bubble blowing contest? Let loose and get silly like when you were a kid.

The Wellness Universe believes if each person is happy, healthy and whole, they contribute those attributes to the world, ultimately creating world peace.

If every person incorporated practices into their lives that supported their personal well-being, allowing for a more balanced, health-filled life, we believe we can achieve world peace.

The Wellness Universe supports total well-being by bringing together the most eclectic, robust and supportive community of wellness practitioners supporting those who seek total well-being in 7 areas of wellness as described on www.TheWellnessUniverse.com.

Please support our mission to grow this epic space that is desperately needed as we witness more and more unrest, unhappiness and disease associated with lack of loving self-care. It\’s up to us to make the change.

More than 2,500 WU World-Changers have come together since 2014 and the need is now to expand and reach more people and impact the world in a bigger way. You are invited to use The Wellness Universe to better your life or join us as a WU World-Changer resource for well-being.

Can we count on your support? If you feel more wellness is needed, and through supporting society with powerful wellness resources, one person at a time, we will achieve world peace, then please support our mission and vision now:

Donate to The Wellness Universe 2017 Holiday Fundraiser. Goal: $50,000

Thank you.

Anna Pereira & Shari Alyse
Founders, The Wellness Universe

Your likes, comments and sharing on this article is appreciated and we are grateful for your support in spreading this message.

Real People. Real Resources. Really Changing the World.

The world needs hope, healing and support. One by one Wellness Universe World-Changers (WU World-Changers) create more happiness, health and peace throughout our planet. Together we make the world a more positive and peace-filled space.

In 2013, The Wellness Universe Founder Anna Pereira had an epic vision. Passionate about leaving the world a better place than she found it, she reached out to Shari Alyse and shared her idea of creating an unprecedented community of people, each one being a resource for well-being, who are just as passionate and dedicated to making the world a better place.

Wellness requires all areas of our life to have balance. The Wellness Universe has a community of wellness practitioners and professionals who support you in 7 areas of wellness: Environmental, Emotional, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social and Spiritual. Completely member supported, all content is created by the members to support their personal messages to help make the world a better place. The Wellness Universe launched live on 1/23/15, first as a Facebook page directory, and now as a robust resource comprised of over 2,500 vetted members from around the world.

Our Vision

The Wellness Universe vision is, quite simply, world peace. We believe this is achieved by supporting, empowering and celebrating wellness professionals and World-Changer leaders around the globe. If we systematically and practically support leaders, provide them with a community and a platform through which to share their passion, message and expertise, they will be positively and profoundly affected and this in turn will increase their reach, impact and ability to educate and inspire true and lasting whole health in people the world over. The Wellness Universe is a catalyst for this.

Our Mission

The Wellness Universe (WU) mission is to revolutionize the wellness industry and ultimately what wellness means, how we incorporate it into our lives and how we access and share wellness resources. Through our leading-edge online directory and platform, we make resources for self-help and empowerment, and connection to an evolutionary global wellness community easily accessible, all under one WU umbrella. We believe that in connecting one another in the pursuit of whole health and well-being, personally and professionally, this causes a ripple effect that will ultimately inspire peace globally.

Founders Anna Pereira and Shari Alyse, along with their remarkable, dedicated team make this space possible.



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