5 Tips to Clarify and Find Your Purpose

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

– Pablo Picasso

Your life purpose already resides within you.

We are born with our essence and purpose unique to each of us. Opening the door to our purpose has been the daily road of life meant just for us to walk in and among each distinct path as it unfolds.

What lies ahead on the road to finding our purpose is an intricate process unique to our place in the season of life.

There isn’t a one size fits all approach to being in sync nor a particular time frame. It just is. Some of us easily find our purpose early on in life; while others of us arrive at our destination in the midst of having lived lots of life! You are in process, whether you are in flow with your purpose right now or trudging through a muddy slippery path.

In today’s overscheduled world, taking time to thoughtfully seek our purpose goes against popular sentiment that being busy and booked is having a life of purpose. When we actually slow down in the midst of our fast-paced lives to just be ourselves and reflect, we give our psyche permission to create a beautiful opportunity for so much more than we can imagine. Here in the space of being awareness of what this is for us bubbles to the surface

Welcome to your journey and purpose!

Attaching personal meaning, understanding, along with what you value, is the essence of knowing and living purposefully. When what you do feels in alignment with your values versus forced and resistant than you know you are going in the right direction.

Finding and living your purpose, whether you know it today and want more clarity around this or if you’re feeling stuck, try the following tips and see where you end up.

Here Are 5 Tips to Clarify and Find Your Purpose:

1.           Stillness:

Be still and listen. Cut through the noise of what you think you should be doing and instead listen to your intuition and feelings. These are the essence of purpose bubbling up for you to see and feel once the noise has been silenced!

2.           Curiosity:

Be curious and interested in your purpose and place in the season of life as it is right now. There is no one other than yourself who knows the path and life purpose that is meant for you. Yes, your partner, family members, and close friends can help you, however, only you truly know. Lean into curiosity as part of the process.

3.           Clarity:

Once you’ve expanded your place of deeper knowing, pursue this. Get clear on the details that define what your sense of purpose could be or already is. Continue to drill down what really matters to you personally because this is your why. Keep asking until you arrive at a place where there are no more “whys” coming from within, and then this is it! Your truth giving way so you can start stepping into your purpose.

4.           Seeing:

Zoom in and out of your life to allow an expanded viewpoint of your life journey so far. Using this process allows you to see patterns and themes in your life that point to your purpose perhaps being lived prior to you making this know consciously! What have these taught you and prepared you to do? Which experience seem effortless and easy versus a struggle? All of this is meaningful information.

5.           Reflection:

Follow up with what you discovered by returning back to stillness using silence to put the pieces together you uncovered. What comes through, depending on where you are, is either the beginning of your purpose shining through or a stronger ownership of what you already have been doing and being, as you live your best life.

Finding and living your purpose isn’t a complex mystery available to some.

It is yours to enjoy and share.

Do you have any tips for clarifying and finding your purpose that did not get mentioned above? If so, please share them with us in the comments section below!

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