52 Weeks of Joy

Welcome to the 26 Days of Happiness! Today is day 13. Please meet featured author David McLeod from the soon to be released book: The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Happiness, sharing their inspiring story!


In 2019, I wrote a couple of blog articles for The Wellness Universe: 10 Ways to Make Yourself Happy and 31 Life Mastery Affirmations for August. For today’s article, I decided to combine those two ideas together and bring you some inspirational affirmations that can help you exercise and expand your happiness muscles for a whole year! I’m also including a separate video that contains some of my original Life Mastery Music™, coupled with an amazing graphical visualization, that you can use in combination with any one of the affirmations below to get you totally charged up for your entire day.

What is Life Mastery Music?

Life Mastery Music™ is a special form of trance-meditation music that is designed to provide healing, stress reduction, inner peace, and many other benefits. Cyclical or repetitive musical elements involving various combinations of rhythm, melody, and harmony provide a synergistic blend of energy that warms the heart, moves the body, quiets the mind, and activates the soul.

Every Life Mastery Music™ track incorporates the following features:

  • 100% original music composed, mixed, and mastered by me
  • 20-25 minutes of cyclical or repetitive musical movements (between 4 and 7 per track) that induce a gentle trance effect
  • Musical elements based on multiples or fractions of the Schumann Resonance (or Earth Resonance) frequency of 7.83 Hz
  • Embedded Brainwave Entrainment technology—specifically, binaural beats or isochronic tones—that activates your brain in alpha and theta states
  • Gently moving rhythms that resonate within your body
  • Multiple layers of melodic and harmonic content that move systematically through the audio space, creating a full spectrum, 360-degree, holistic listening experience

What About the Video Component?

I wanted to provide some kind of abstract video background for the music, and I learned about a tool called MilkDrop, which comes pre-packaged with an audio player called WinAmp. The embedded MilkDrop tool is so powerful that I decided to use it as a way of visualizing my music. It took a little time to figure out how to capture the visualization at high definition on video, but after some experimentation, I came up with a solution that adds a whole new dimension to the meditation experience.

How to Use this Joy Tool

Below, you will find 52 Life Mastery Affirmations™, each of which has its own unique power to help you stay connected to the natural joy and happiness that are a part of your essence. The idea is that you choose one affirmation and focus on it at least once a day. Repeat this process daily for a week, and then at the start of the following week, choose a new affirmation.

Here is what I recommend as a daily practice. I prefer to start my day with this, but really, you can do it anytime; the main thing is that it works best if you do it regularly.

  1. Grab your journal and pen, your laptop, a pair of high-quality noise-cancelling headphones, and choose a quiet place where you can listen and meditate in silence for about 20 to 30 minutes.
  2. Feel free to include any special items you wish to use (candles, incense, sacred objects, etc.).
  3. Have the music video ready to go, but don’t turn it on yet. You can listen to the music only, or if you like, you can watch the video visualization at the same time. If you plan to watch the video, then I’d recommend selecting full screen mode on your computer.
  4. Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths. As you gently inhale, say the words “I am”; as you gently exhale, say the word “relaxed.” Repeat this about 12 times and feel yourself becoming more relaxed with each breath cycle.
  5. Say your chosen affirmation out loud at least 12 times. Allow about 10 seconds of silence after each repetition to allow the affirmation to resonate in your body.
  6. Now, put on your headphones and start the music and video playback. You can ignore the video portion altogether if you wish; if so, just let your eyes gently close as the music plays.
  7. While the music is playing, bring your attention back to the affirmation every 20 seconds or so, and repeat the affirmation silently in your mind. Keep your breathing gentle and relaxed.
  8. After about 20 minutes, you will hear the sound of the final gong and the music will fade to silence.
  9. Remain in silence for a couple more minutes and repeat the affirmation a few more times in your mind.
  10. Take a few minutes to record your experience in your journal and make a commitment to embrace and embody the affirmation throughout your day.

Your 52 Life Mastery Affirmations™

These affirmations are given in a particular order here, but you are not in any way required to go through them in that order. Choose one that resonates with you right now and use that for a week, then choose another for the second week, and a different one for the third week and so on. The important thing is to choose a different affirmation each week and to go through them all in a year. You can certainly continue for multiple years if you choose, but I recommend that you follow the same policy of choosing a different affirmation each week.

  1. I am an open channel of enthusiasm, passion, and joy.
  2. I am balanced in a glorious blend of perfect health, absolute prosperity, endless creativity, and joyful self-expression.
  3. I am grateful for the joy that permeates through me when my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings are all in alignment.
  4. I am responsible for my own happiness; thankfully, everyone else is responsible for his or hers.
  5. I am blessed with employment that satisfies all my needs and fills my heart with joy.
  6. I am blessed with the ability and responsibility to create my own happiness and fulfillment.
  7. I am grateful for my joy, which fills me with the brilliant light of who I really am and inspires me to share myself fully with everyone.
  8. I am blessed with continuous, joyful growth into the full expression of who I really am.
  9. I am on a path with a clear purpose that leads me ultimately to joy and fulfillment.
  10. I am grateful for the peace, joy, and love that I am attracting abundantly into my life.
  11. I am optimistic, appreciative, reverent, and joyful in everything I think, say, and do.
  12. I am blessed with a level of success that corresponds to my level of joy and acceptance of what I attract into my life.
  13. I am equipped with everything I need to lead a prosperous, joyful, and fulfilled life.
  14. I am grateful for a beautiful and healthy body that provides me with love, support, and joy in the physical plane.
  15. I am empowered to create as much abundance and happiness in my life as I truly desire.
  16. I am inseparably connected to my natural state, which is pure love, joy, and abundance, and I bring these forth in every aspect of my life.
  17. I am in a continual state of joyful co-creation with everyone, and I manifest powerful relationships in order to magnify this creation.
  18. I am powerful and productive, and my creativity brings abundant joy and love into the world.
  19. I am a vessel of endless possibilities, and I joyfully engage my creativity in every moment.
  20. I am excited that each moment provides me with a new opportunity to choose love and happiness.
  21. I am grateful for the endless joy that fills me when I lead from my heart and stay aligned with my Soul’s mission.
  22. I am a curious adventurer, joyfully exploring my world and the world beyond me.
  23. I am joyfully tenacious in my desire and intention to create abundance in the world.
  24. I am thrilled to be on a life-long journey, with occasional temporary destinations along the way that bring me great joy.
  25. I am thankful for the power of forgiveness, which fills my life and the lives of others with joy and love.
  26. I am thrilled to awaken every morning feeling happy and enthusiastic about my life.
  27. I am blessed with abundant compassion, which is a powerful gateway to my own happiness.
  28. I am thrilled to experience the joy that naturally emerges when my actions are inspired by my Spiritual Integrity.
  29. I am joyously aware of my openness to welcoming the appearance of that which I desire to create in the world.
  30. I am joyfully enthusiastic about my life and I consciously create it the way I want it to be.
  31. I am a healthy and joyful being of Light and Love.
  32. I am enveloped by the power of Gratitude, which heals my old wounds and fills me with joy.
  33. I am worthy of every blessing and gift that presents itself to me, and I receive it with gratitude and joy.
  34. I am delighted with my life journey, for each destination is an opportunity to pause in gratitude and joy.
  35. I am grateful to be blessed with so much love and joy that I cannot help but share it with everyone I meet.
  36. I am joyful in my unconditional acceptance of Who I Am and Who You Are.
  37. I am the architect and engineer of my entire life, and I choose to experience all of it joyfully and enthusiastically.
  38. I am thrilled with the joy that blossoms within me when I fully engage the creativity that flows through me.
  39. I am blessed with a life that is enjoyable and fun.
  40. I am the unconditional embodiment of pure joy.
  41. I am blessed with a life that grows more joyful as I continue to release my past and live only in the present.
  42. I am thankful that a simple shift in thinking can always lead me back to joy.
  43. I am amazed by my endless ability to create happiness.
  44. I am a boundless source of Love and Happiness, which I share generously everywhere.
  45. I am in a continual state of wonder and discovery, and every new experience brings me a new level of joy and love.
  46. I am pleased and joyful in the simple knowing and experience of who I am.
  47. I am guided and protected as I follow through on all my intuitive hits towards abundance and joy.
  48. I am grateful that happiness and compassion infuse all areas of my life.
  49. I am excited and thrilled by the successes of others, and my joy leads to greater successes in my own life.
  50. I am healthy in all aspects of my being, and I reflect this through my joy in living.
  51. I am blessed with thoughts that are in harmony with health, happiness, and fulfillment.
  52. I am a powerful and authentic example of success and happiness.

Music Video Visualization

Closing Blessing

I hope you get as much out of these affirmations and music as I do. Please leave comments and let me know about your experience.

May these affirmations and music resonate within your heart and soul, and may you experience joy and gratitude as you express and experience the essence of who you really are.

– David

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Happiness awaits you! Thank you Rochelle Aytes for this wonderful review! Grab your copy of The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Happiness on Amazon 2/11/21

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