6 Ways to Establish Healthy Boundaries

6 Ways to Establish Healthy Boundaries by The Wellness Universe #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #HealthyBoundaries

Establishing Healthy Boundaries for Your Well-Being:

A common mantra you’ve probably heard before is “I will take care of myself before I take care of others.”

It may come up often in your own life because, honestly, many of us are not great at it. If you’re like most, you probably often find yourself skipping things, important things like healthy meals, sleep, or workouts. And instead, adding too many other activities in their place.

What’s the big deal? Well, let’s look at it this way, if you are not in a calm mindset, you cannot calm others. If you do not love yourself, you cannot fully love another.

If you do not lead and live by example, then chances are that you are going to burn out sooner than later.

So, how do we begin to establish healthy boundaries and set ourselves up for personal wellbeing? It’s time to set some new, healthier routines in our lives.

Here are 6 Ways to Begin Establishing Healthy Boundaries:

  1. Decrease Screen Time:

People are often surprised at how big of a difference this can make. If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or overworked, cut out screen time. Our society has become so dependent on the multitasking that comes with staring at computers and phones and tablets all day. By the way, how many tabs do you have open on your device right now?

Your brain will thank you if you turn off the screen and learn more from the world and the people around you; even an extra 30 minutes a day makes a difference.

  1. Get More Exercise:

The human body was made to move. Set aside a bit of time each day to exercise, even if that means a 10-minute stroll around your office building or a park. Some movement is better than no movement. Get your heart pumping, get you away from your computer, and get out into a different environment.

  1. Maintain Positive Relationships:

Surround yourself with positivity. We all have an Eeyore or two in our lives who insist on focusing on the bad news, the negative impacts, and the “what ifs” of everyday life. But you can choose a positive mindset and surround yourself with others who also understand the value of positive thinking. Like breeds like. Do what you can to minimize negative attitudes, habits, and environments.

  1. Stop Worrying About What Others Think of You:

We each have our own struggles in life and we are all doing the best we can with what we have and the life we were given. It’s time to embrace your own journey and stop worrying that someone else might be judging you for the choices you make.

At the end of the day, the best you can do is make choices that move you forward and create the best possible version of yourself. Don’t let anyone make you feel small for thinking and acting like your best self.

  1. Spend More Time in Nature:

Spending time in nature has proven effects of increased mood, increased creativity, and decreased stress. Do what you can to get outside for a while every single day, no matter what the weather may be.

  1. Value Yourself, Your Time, and Your Energy:

Most importantly, set aside some regular “you time,” and then protect it like your life depends on it. When you start to value yourself, your time, and your energy, everyone around you will do the same. Set healthy boundaries and expectations, and your friends and family will respect that space. When they see the positive the outcome, they’ll want to set aside some time for themselves… as they should!

What aspect of your health do you struggle with the most? Nutrition, exercise, or maintaining a positive outlook?

Do you have any tips for establishing healthy boundaries that did not get mentioned above? Please share them with us in the comments section below. You may just help someone reading this article!

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– The Wellness Universe

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