7 Chakras Webinar Series 50% off & Charming Chakra Necklace BOGO

7 Chakras Webinar Series 50% off & Charming Chakra BOGO

What do each of the chakras represent?

Crown Chakra – This Chakra is your center of ‘wisdom’ and it governs your awareness to all that is being one with the world and enlightenment. Just as the Root Chakra connects with the Earth the Crown Chakra connects with our High Power. This Chakra allows you to link to your higher consciousness. It is the center of enlightenment, truth, and oneness.

3rd Eye Chakra – The Third Eye or Brow Chakra is your center of ‘being & knowing’ and it governs your spirituality and spiritual perspective. This Chakra offers a point of view at a deeper level of consciousness, as well as allows your imagination to be active. This Chakra is linked to your abilities to see and hear beyond normal range into higher spiritual realms.

Throat Chakra – This Chakra is your ‘Voice’ and it governs your communication. This is the center of all communication, standing up for what you believe in and being able to say no when necessary, as well as not only speaking but listening to what others have to say. This Chakra is linked to your personal integrity and honor…your truth.

Heart Chakra – The Heart Chakra is your ‘Healing Center’ and it governs your bonds with others. It is the center of your love, compassion, joy, warmth and self-love. Recognizing that you are part of something larger and that we are all connected.

Solar Plexus Chakra – This Chakra is your ‘Power Center’ and it governs your self-esteem as well as your metabolism and digestion. You feel self-confident, have a strong sense of purpose, and are self-motivated.

Sacral Chakra – This Chakra is your “passion” and is the center of your connection to feelings and emotions, sex, as well creation. In not only artistic ways, but of life itself.

Root Chakra – This Chakra is the ‘root’ of your being and establishes a deep connection with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth.

Read our blogs on each of the Chakras:
\’I Am\’ Root Chakra Day 1 ~> http://goo.gl/X8jbmR
\’I Feel\’ Sacral Chakra Day 2 ~> http://goo.gl/HNzZZV
\’I Do\’ Solar Plexus Chakra Day 3 ~> http://goo.gl/sZyhfe
\’I Love\’ Heart Chakra Day 4 ~> http://goo.gl/zzBIlA
\’I Speak\’ Throat Chakra Day 5 ~> http://goo.gl/VeCCeq
\’I See\’ Third Eye/Brow Chakra Day 6 ~> http://goo.gl/fpzlNZ
\’I Understand\’ Crown Chakra Day 7 ~> http://goo.gl/TlCKhl
Want MORE information on the Chakras? You will love our recorded series on the Chakras:
Have you suffered issues which no doctor can diagnose accurately? Do you repeat patterns with negative outcomes? Do you have an addiction or problem that you would like to resolve? Have you suffered from trauma? Do you have past experiences that affect your life which you cannot seem to conquer? Do you want to manage pain, live more balanced, increase your positive thinking or joy? Do you wish to be more forgiving? Do you want to find an alternative method to medications for your ailments? If you have answered any of these with a yes, you will want to check out articles and videos by TheWellnessUniverse.com – 7 Days 7 Chakras.

Watch 7 Chakras 7 Weeks (Recorded Webinars) NOW

Use code for 50% off:  WHD6ETJA
Kim Bayne, reiki expert, will be joining Mitchell Osborn, world renowned health and wellness expert and intuitive, to put into action their blog series \’Balancing Your 7 Chakras During Mercury Retrograde\’ now focused on preparing for 2016 to be an open pathway for your success and well-being to be actualized without restrictions.

(meditation music recommended for Kim\’s Meditation:  by Amy Camie http://www.amycamie.com/welcome.html )

Imagine dropping your baggage at the door. Inhaling and exhaling with a truly self-empowered, positive, self-confident vibe! You will learn what work you need to do through Kim and Mitchell\’s guidance to help you \’graduate\’ from your old thoughts and patterns and even the things from your past you may not even realize as the cause of what holds you back today.

Some reviews:

PoorAverageGoodVery GoodExcellent Excellent

Kim and Mitchell are both excellent instructors. Each class was interesting, kept your attention, and lots of useful information was relayed. Great class series and I will continue to recommend it highly to everyone – Heather D.

Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent Dynamic Duo

Kim & Mitchell have done a fabulous job blending their knowledge and wisdom and presenting it together! – Heather L.

You can do it! You can be happy, healthy and filled with peace. Wishing you total alignment and moving through your challenges through your work on your chakras!


7 Chakras Webinar Series 50% off & Charming Chakra Necklace BOGO #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #CharmingChakra #WebinarSeries #BOGO #50%Off

Charming Chakra Handmade by Anna Pereira  – Buy 1 Get 1 50% off
Sterling Silver & Swarovski Crystal handmade necklace help open the Chakra you need to send love to.
Select from: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye or Crown Chakra. Each necklace, infused with positive, loving and healing energy from the inspiring Anna Pereira, represents all of the chakras, but the larger crystal helps you to meditate and send love consciously throughout the day as you run your fingers over your charm. Feeling , thinking and energetically, you are reminded to have a conscious awareness for that particular chakra (and all chakras too!).
Select either 18″ or 20″ sterling silver chain. Shipped globally for $5. Sent in a beautiful velveteen anti tarnish baggie! Shipping times vary depending on your part of the world. Shipped within 14 days of order.
For larger orders, please email [email protected]
All sales fund The Wellness Universe project to spread education, awareness and world peace. Thank you!
Use this button to \’Buy 1 and get 1 50% off\’ ($45)

Charming Chakra Necklace
2nd Necklace
18″ or 20″ chains?

Use this button if you just want 1 necklace ($30)

Charming Chakra Necklace
18″ or 20″ chain?

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