Debbie Prediger Chapter Reading – 25 Tools for Goddesses

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Debbie Prediger reads Chapter 6: Empowering You! Stepping Out of Fear and Choosing Love in 5 Steps from the #1 best-selling book in several categories on Amazon, The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Goddesses. Listen and watch the video below as she reads!

Debbie opens her chapter with a scene from her life that was both frustrating and debilitating. With a medical background and life experience see how Debbie changed her life and how you can too.

“Oh, the headaches, how they’d wake me up in the middle of the night; the throbbing pressure was unbearable. I was so good at ignoring the pain, pretending I was okay, and pushing through it. Even in my sleep, I could feel the sharp stabbing through my head and shoulders with numbness moving down my back.

The doctors couldn’t find any reason for the pain. I had so many tests and procedures trying to find answers and the tests always came back clear. “We can’t find anything wrong, Mrs. Prediger.” And although that should have been a relief, it wasn’t. There was something wrong, but what could it be?

I was so tired of doctors telling me to take pain medication to mask the symptoms. In fact, one of the doctors asked me what I was taking for pain and how often. When I replied I wasn’t taking anything, he slammed down the big file he had on me and said, “Well, then, you’re not in enough pain.” That was the end of that appointment. That experience knocked me backward, and I started to believe, maybe it wasn’t that bad; maybe I should just take medication and minimize the pain. Looking back, I can say thank goodness that when I tried to take painkillers, I would get dizzy, nauseous, and then throw up. I’d rather have the pain, I said to myself. Even today, I hear Tony Robbins say, “Life isn’t happening to you. It’s happening for you.” This is definitely how I see it looking back at that pivotal moment.

For years I lived like this, nothing worked, and I was too exhausted to keep searching for a doctor to give me the answers I was seeking. What was wrong with my body at the core? Not just the headaches but what was causing them? The last test I had was for a brain tumor, and the one before that suggested I had multiple sclerosis. I was so sick of feeling sick and tired. Enough was enough; I had to figure this out myself.

That’s when I discovered energy work. It all sounded a bit crazy to me, but what did I have to lose? One healer led me to another, and I started to find relief from the constant pressure in my head, the dizziness, and the numbness in my neck, back, and legs, which was better too.”

Watch and listen to the video below to experience Debbie’s entire chapter.

Debbie empowers healers, visionaries, world changers, and people that are passionate about leading from their hearts and making the world a better place for all of mankind.

About this book:

25 dedicated Wellness Universe experts come together to help you live a life of well-being, confidence, balance, and betterment in this powerful collaboration.

The collective wisdom, expertise, and passion contained in the pages of the book is beyond what you can imagine. With the power of their authentic stories and the master teaching of their tools, what you have in your hands supports you to live in your unique Goddess energy from a foundational, whole-person approach.

Pick up your copy on Amazon.

Connect with Debbie on The Wellness Universe and check out additional supportive videos from her here.

*Originally published on March 3, 2022.

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The Wellness Universe presents Integrative Healing Expert Leader, Rosemary Levesque. She is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Vibrational Sound Master Teacher, and Medicinal Aromatherapist, who will be guiding you through the Optimal Healing 12-month program that will help you to enjoy health and wellbeing through the integration of natural and alternative methods, modalities, and resources. 

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