What we give to ourselves in mindful care, we extend to everyone else compassionately.
– Nancy Stevens
More often than not, many of us do not allow ourselves to just be with and accept the person we truly are. This is an area that took me a “hot” minute to find and enjoy being in a relationship with myself.
Like many women, I had spent most of my life editing myself to please other people instead of getting to know and be in a comfortable relationship with all aspects of my life. I wasn’t confident enough to believe that the “true” me was indeed more than enough that I was already perfect. It slowly began to dawn on me that I was not fighting others, I was resisting my beautiful self the daily opportunity to shine and affirm others along the way.
The process of moving into the space of my very own life began when I took my first ever mind-body class. There I realized, in a tear-filled moment at the end of class during a time called “savasana” where we are given the gift of silence, that I truly mattered.
Being in a good relationship with yourself first opens the door and paves the way for all other relationships including professional, spiritual, romantic, financial to name a few. You see, it all starts between you and yourself. Shared below are some ideas to get you thinking and cultivating your inner relationship.
Here Are 5 Ways to be In A Healthy Relationship with Yourself:
Care for Your Needs
A great way to cultivate yourself is for you to take care of your physical needs. This includes taking care of your sleep needs, diet, exercise, relaxation, and social connections.
Notice Your Self-Talk
How do you talk to yourself when things are going great and when the unexpected happens? Do you talk to yourself like you would a good friend who needs your support? If you see a pattern of talking down to yourself with judgment and comparison pause here and sit with this information. Come up with a personal “mantra” statement or affirmation and have this handy to use throughout your day. Using this daily will begin to counter your “less” than talk and create a new shift into “loving” self-talk. This was key for me! For example, you can tell yourself, “I am bold and beautiful,” “I am a caring person,” or “I am strong and abundant.”
Meditate Daily in Stillness and Silence
Gather yourself in a time of daily stillness and silence at the beginning, midday, or day’s end to just be as you are. When you take as little as two minutes you give your overactive mind a chance to gather in calm, renew, and reset. The result? Clarity moves in while thought clutter moves out. Our overactive minds crave and need calm and stillness.
Cultivate Joy
In the busyness of daily life, many of us move into seeing life as serious which covers the lens of joy.
Prioritize daily activities that bring you joy along the way and cultivate these as part of the fabric of your day to day along with your work. Daily joy for me is being in my morning routine, getting outdoors for my daily walk with our family dog! I’ve made this top priority and receive much joy from it.
Let Go of Your Inner Perfectionist
Maybe you spend a lot of time getting ready in the morning or obsess over tiny details adding additional stress and pressure to “look the part” and have everything under control. This is exhausting not to mention emotionally draining.
Perfectionist thinking and actions send a message to your psyche that “you” do not believe in yourself. This is not true. Let it go, sister! You are more than enough and have always been. Release this outdated energy if you are holding it and open up to receiving the energy of “having.”
Learn to love and accept yourself just as you are right now! What you do is and has always been more than enough. Learning to love and accept all of ourselves, talents, and flaws alike, allows us to live in and be in a healthy relationship with ourselves. This is the fabric of what it is to live fully.
Where are you in the process of being yourself? Sharing is caring!
– Nancy
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Hello! Nice to meet you. I work with busy working women who want to have a balanced life but struggle with making themselves a priority. Together we create a plan for work-life-balance that is easy and achievable so they can feel energized and in control again. It is my honor to guide and serve!