Nancy Stevens

Hello! Nice to meet you. I work with busy working women who want to have a balanced life but struggle with making themselves a priority. Together we create a plan for work-life-balance that is easy and achievable so they can feel energized and in control again. It is my honor to guide and serve!

5 Ways to Cultivate Compassionate Self-Care

Self-care without self-compassion discharges a debt, usually with suffering somewhere else. Self-care with self-compassion is a gift that doesn’t have to be earned or repaid. – Charlie Gilkey Where are you right now, physically and emotionally, in this newly changed landscape the world today calls “normal?” Are you taking some time to notice and apply

5 Ways to Cultivate Compassionate Self-Care Read More »

6 Simple Self-Care Practices for Busy Women

Our self-care journey lovingly connects us to our womanhood and womankind. – Nancy Stevens Ahhh… beautiful, blissfull, soul-serving self-care. These words alone, are a symphony of loving-care to ourselves. Woman reality talk: “If only I actually had enough time, I would feel balanced, less tired and less chaotic. Someday…sigh.” As “superwomen,” we feel the need

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