A Conversation With: Laura Di Franco

A Conversation With: Laura Di Franco by The Wellness Universe #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Laura

Welcome to this installment of The Wellness Universe’s ‘A Conversation With …’ interview series! Each week, we will feature interviews from some of our amazing WU World Changers so you can learn about who they are as a person, their profession, mission, and their why!’

A Conversation with Laura Di Franco, MPT, Owner of Brave Healer Productions.

  1. Hello Laura, will you please tell us about yourself?

I’m a holistic physical therapist, inspirational speaker, 6-time published poet and author, and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. My mission is to help healers heal themselves and the world with their words. It’s time to be brave and share our stories in a bigger way, so we can build the business and leave the legacy we were born for. I’m so happy to be a part of The Wellness Universe and be walking alongside so many world-changers. Thank you so much for having me here!

  1. Laura, what is it that inspires you?

For me, it’s showing up awake and fiercely alive for the ordinary moments of my life. My latest mantra is, “This moment is the best it will get!” That inspires me to really be in the moment and fill myself up with gratitude and love, no matter what kind of moment it is.

And I’m truly inspired when I’m writing. Words flow from this place, this connection I have to something bigger. When I connect with it, many times in nature, I’m always inspired to write, especially poetry. I feel like the world around me is a poem.

  1. Will you please tell us what you call yourself and explain what it is that you do?

I call myself a fire-starter. I was born to move you into action for your own dreams. I’m a healer, so I’ve taken all the healing tools I’ve learned over the last couple of decades as a physical therapist and married them with a therapeutic writing process. I call this method Brave Healing. I’m teaching workshops, online programs and providing strategy sessions to healers who are ready to play bigger in the world and share and publish their messages in the form of blogs, books, and speaking gigs.

  1. How exactly does that help someone?

Someone who might be stuck in doubt or fear needs a coach and strategist who can see the stuck spots and guide an individual out of them. I help healers master the mind-body awareness required for the courage they crave. And then I support them with tools and resources to take the next step so they don’t have to spend hours figuring it all out themselves. Everyone needs a community and support team to do big things. I am that for my clients.

  1. Why are you so passionate about happiness?

When I help a fellow healer publish their first blog, I get this feeling inside that I know what I was born for. It’s a feeling, and it’s hard to describe. A big, “Hell Yes!” Goes off in my head and the smile is hard to miss. I’m incredibly passionate about this because selfishly, it brings me joy and gratitude. And when I fill up like that, I get to serve from an overflow, and that is badass, for me, and for the people I serve.

  1. Did a specific life experience prompt you to follow this path?

I’ve been on a lifelong journey back to worthiness. There have been moments in the past where my heart filled with a feeling of joy, relief, and worth, and I knew I was meant to be doing what I’m doing. But a couple of years ago I had a defining moment. A stranger reached out to me on Facebook messenger asking for more links to read, admitting she was struggling with depression.

I sent her more links, but ended up writing a blog and dedicating it to her and asking my audience to step in with support, which they did. I later found out the full story… that this mother of five had been severely depressed and planning her suicide. She joined a program I was running at the time and we became friends. She went on to publish her first blog about her personal story, and then a second one as a call-out to other mothers, letting them know they weren’t alone.

Knowing her and being a part of her life has been the way I’ve felt the ripple I was meant to make in the world. I decided I had no excuses at that point and was going to move forward with as much brave as I could from then on. I’m eternally grateful to her for reaching out to me that day.

  1. How long have you been doing this?

I’ve been in the healing world for almost thirty years now. I’ve been a writer since I was fifteen, a blogger since 2008 and a published author since 2012.

  1. What is next on the horizon for you?

I’m working on two new books, one non-fiction self-help, and one poetry journal. I’m going to be doing a lot of live and online workshops and speaking this year and I have two themes for 2019. One is “no excuses,” and that has to do with playing big and going for it with my message, and the other is to “have as much fun as possible on this journey.” I’m pretty sure you’ll catch me on a beach in Mexico a couple times next year, at a few music festivals getting my rave on, in my convertible this summer with the top down, and I may even start that spiritual erotica book I keep promising my BFF I’m going to write.

  1. Thank you so much for sharing today! Do you have any final thoughts?

Here’s what I want every healer to know; you were born, so you’re worthy. Your message matters. What if the thing you’re still a little afraid to share is exactly the thing someone else needs to hear to save their life? It’s time to be brave.

– The Wellness Universe

If you would like to connect with Laura Di Franco, please visit: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/lauraprobertmpt/

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