Deborah Roth

Life & Relationship Coach, Deborah Roth, MA is also a Counseling Astrologer, and Interfaith Minister. She leads women’s New Moon Circles and Full Moon TeleMeditations every month and loves designing creative, meaningful rituals for individuals and couples to energize their lives and relationships.

Spiritual Practices for Mind, Body, Spirit Wholeness: Infinity Wave

Welcome to the seventh installment in our Spiritual Practices series! Each month, I’m introducing you to one of my favorites, and this month, I’m sharing one I was introduced to in 2018 by my wonderful friend, spiritual healer, intuitive, teacher, and author, Hope Fitzgerald. It’s called the Infinity Wave. You’ve probably seen it many places […]

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Spiritual Practices for Mind, Body, Spirit Wholeness: Body Prayer

Welcome to the sixth installment in our Spiritual Practices series! Each month, I’m introducing you to one of my favorites and this month, I’m airing one I discovered several years ago when I was researching for my YouTube video series, “Connecting with your Inner Goddess Team”  — the practice of “Body Prayer”, conceived by the

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Spiritual Practices for Mind, Body, Spirit Wholeness: Goddess Chants

Welcome to the fifth installment in our Spiritual Practices series! Each month, I’m introducing you to one of my favorites and this month, I’m sharing with you one of the things that so captured me when I first “discovered” the Divine Feminine over 30 years ago – Goddess chants. I’m a life-long singer – starting

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Spiritual Practices for Mind, Body, Spirit Wholeness: Earthmending

Welcome to the fourth installment in our Spiritual Practices series! Each month, I’m introducing you to one of my favorites and this month, I’m sharing with you a powerful meditation I created many years ago that I call “Eathmending.” As you know by now, I’m a “collector” of meditations and spiritual tools that I then

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Spiritual Practices for Mind, Body, Spirit Wholeness: Kirtan Kriya

Welcome to the third installment in our Spiritual Practices series! Each month, I’m introducing you to one of my favorites and this month, we’ll be exploring the powerful Kundalini meditation practice of Kirtan Kriya I was introduced to Kirtan Kriya in October 2020 when I enrolled in a 40-Day challenge led by the spiritual teacher,

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Celebrating both the Dark AND the Light on the Winter Solstice

Are the days short enough for you yet? Could it possibly feel any darker? Beginning with the summer solstice, the sun rises and sets farther and farther south every day. Finally, thankfully, it stops its descent on Midwinter’s Eve, commonly known as the Winter Solstice, which falls on December 21 this year. In ancient times,

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Embracing Gratitude Practices for your Thanksgiving Celebration

Chances are if you ask just about anyone what quality they associate with Thanksgiving, they’ll say “gratitude”… not a big surprise, since the holiday literally mean “giving thanks!” But if we dig deeper, we find that holidays of gratitude are celebrated all around the world, usually in the Fall and in recognition of the harvest.

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