The Beauty Of \”Witness Without Judgment\”

The Beauty Of "Witness Without Judgment" by Manuela Rohr #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Witness #Judgment #Yoga #Awareness

SoulTreat Day One: Release –

Witness without Judgment is a movement therapy based on the Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy principles.

It is a powerful transformational practice using mindfulness and focused awareness to connect us, through our bodies, to our core essence.

The most profound pilgrimage I can ever make is within my own body.Saraha

It’s through our bodies that we can experience ourselves on a deeper level.

Embodied mindfulness brings moment-to-moment awareness to our yoga practice and our lives. Awareness is a source of wisdom that creates lasting happiness. We can only release what’s holding us back through awareness.

It supports us to let go of the need to perform and drop out of being on autopilot, where we live out of habit and a place of reaction instead of a place of choice. Practicing focused awareness will support you to become present to yourself in the moment, while you engage your body.

Our practice starts with mindfulness-based meditation, continues with movements to tap into the wisdom of our bodies, and ends with an integration to reflect upon what we noticed in our practice.

This Guides You To:

  • Focus on what’s going on inside as you engage your body.
  • Being present to yourself in the present moment and becoming aware of what you notice now – not validated by past events or projections into the future.
  • Practice with acceptance, which happens by being okay with what we notice and what actually is happening moment to moment.

Through acceptance, we can discern what’s true for us and understand that we have a choice in how we do what we do on our yoga mat and in our lives.

Important and Interesting Questions You May Ask During Your Practice Are:

  • “What choices do I make as I engage in each posture?”
  • “Are my actions based on information of the past, or are they old and/or limiting beliefs?”

These inquiries have the transformational power to uncover our truth, or our core essence, and teach us to bring flow back into our lives.

After studying different yoga styles in Germany and in the U.S., I credit my study and practice of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy as the most lasting and profound influence in my professional and personal life. It supported me to find the tools I need to thrive despite the extraordinary challenge of raising and living with a special-needs child.

Sharing this work brings me great joy.

I hope you will join me on this journey to tap into your bodies’ wisdom to release stress from your day or your life, and move with me from awareness to flow and deep-felt joy.

– Manuela

Meet Manuela in person at SoulTreat!

Only ONE DAY Left for Registration! Don\’t Wait, Act NOW!

Come experience the magic and healing of beautiful Sedona with myself and our community of World-Changers at SoulTreat, The Wellness Universe\’s first retreat!  You’re invited to join us!

Remember, there\’s ONLY ONE DAY LEFT to register for this soul-healing, soul-filling, and soul-connecting experience! Join us!

We have created a safe space to discuss this topic with 4 Wellness Universe Experts to help you stop sabotaging your success and joy, so you can confidently live the life of your dreams.

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