A Conversation With: Rosemary Levesque

A Conversation With: Rosemary Levesque by The Wellness Universe #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Rosemary

Welcome to this installment of The Wellness Universe’s ‘A Conversation With …’ interview series! Each week, we will feature interviews from some of our amazing WU World Changers so you can learn about who they are as a person, their profession, mission, and their why!’

Welcome to A Conversation with Rosemary Levesque, Owner, and Founder of Second Nature Healing in Portland, Oregon. 

Rosemary Levesque is the owner of Second Nature Healing and developer of the Lightworkers Studio. Her mission is to offer education, experiences, opportunities to learn and grow as Lightworkers. She encourages people to look at all aspects of their human-ness – to be aware of their own thoughts and vibrations and how they manifest into physical form.

  1. Hello Rosemary, will you please tell us about yourself?

When people ask me how I got started in the work that I do, I tell them about my dog, Ginger. She was really my greatest teacher . . . and Awakener. Growing up in New Hampshire I spent most of my time outside, loving nature. It wasn’t a surprise that I became a biology teacher. I’ve lived and taught in many countries throughout Asia and Europe. During our time in Asia, I lost my mother to cancer. Her experience imprinted me with fear that I’d also face the same fate.

When my husband and I finally settled in Oregon, we started our family. That’s also when Ginger came into our lives. She developed diabetes, and later, cancer. It was because of my efforts to help her heal naturally that our connection became profoundly intuitive. My fear transformed into empowerment and we were able to overcome all of her challenges as I grew spiritually.

  1. Rosemary, what is it that inspires you?

I’m inspired daily by dreams, opportunities, relationships and “coincidences” and by my children who I believe are also profoundly filled with love and light.

  1. Will you please tell us what you call yourself and explain what it is that you do?

I’m a modern-day Shaman, Reiki Master, Certified Vibrational Sound Master Teacher and Licensed Spiritual Healer. I tap into intuition and the Spirit that embodies All Things in order to help people manifest the highest version of themselves in physical form through healing sessions, Reiki and Sound Healing classes, and frequency attunements.

  1. How exactly does that help someone?

I like to refer to my work as helping people remember who they are which cuts through the veil of illusion, helps undo ancestral and karmic influences, empowers individuals to step forward on their path, and create a flow of energy in their lives that feels unlimited.

  1. Why are you so passionate about teaching, healing, and helping people to become Lightworkers?

I remember feeling fearful, helpless, lost, uninformed, abandoned, and doubtful. Yet, having these experiences don’t define me. Instead, I choose to remember my gifts and talents and accent my natural abilities as a teacher and a compassionate healer and be of service. In healing myself I’m assisting other Lightworkers to heal the wounds of the past . . . especially around memories of self-worth, competence, confidence, personal power, intuition, and the Divine Feminine aspects that have been suppressed for many generations.

  1. Did any specific life experience prompt you to follow this path?

I realize that I’ve had many awakenings and experiences that have moved me forward to develop my curriculum for Lightworkers. Particularly a few years ago I felt deeply wounded by the news of geese culling in a public park I love. Following the geese incident, I experienced a “knowing” or “remembering” of who I was. It was quite an uncomfortable event that awakened yet another aspect of my purpose to “teach and heal.”

  1. How long have you been doing this?

I’ve been intuitive and empathic my entire life. However, I’ve been operating as a business since 2001.

  1. Will you share a story of how you have made a difference in someone’s life?

Rebecca’s (name changed for privacy) son disappeared in Mexico just before he was to return to the United States. In her desperation, she looked for a psychic who could tell her if her son was alive and how she could find him. Rebecca came to me with a shoebox full of pictures of her son. She focused on the immediate danger while I tapped into the energy surrounding her distress. Rebecca asked for healing for her son as well, so we continued with sessions for herself and her son over the course of several months.

Finally, in a unique healing session which layered the two souls together, we broke through to understand that his soul was fulfilling a karmic path for them both – in his leaving and her seeking. Rebecca went on to develop her own spirituality with much more freedom. She became a student of mine and learned Reiki. She’s experiencing joy in her life once again. In addition, she saw for herself (in a vision) that her son had indeed passed away. She’s now empowered with accessing her own abilities as a Lightworker.

  1. What’s next on the horizon for you?

Currently, I’m developing a series of online courses called the Lightworkers Studio which will give people greater access to educational materials I’ve developed over the years, with an option to work personally with me to develop their skills. My first book, Heal Together, Natural Health Solutions for Animals and Their Humans is the basis for one of my courses in the Lightworkers Studio.

  1. Thank you so much for sharing today! Do you have any final thoughts?

In the words of J.J Hurtak:

“We will not suffer the negative irradiation or excessive ultraviolet radiation that will bombard places of the earth for we will inhabit the safe zones at the time of the great geophysical upheavals.

…the Thought-Adjusters are now correcting and repairing our blood crystallization levels of ionized consciousness through frequency attunement.

This is the making of a people within a people, and a mind of light within a mind of light.

With this change, the physical flesh, the temple of the higher garment will receive a new garment of light.”

Excerpts from “The Keys of Enoch.”

If you would like to connect with Rosemary, please visit: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/rosemarylevesque/

– The Wellness Universe

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