How to Appreciate the Cycles of Time

How to Appreciate the Cycles of Time

With the year coming to a close, it’s a great time to review the last eleven months and evaluate the progress of our personal development. What you discover can help raise awareness around patterns and beliefs that support or delay your desires. Visiting your Akashic Records can facilitate this process by helping you to appreciate what enhances your path and change what doesn’t.

The science of time

We use the concept of time to help us navigate the world efficiently. Although it is a social construct, time does allow us the ability to celebrate and contemplate endings and beginnings.

For many of us, 2022 has been filled with ups and downs. As we review our experiences from these last twelve months, one thing is clear – things are moving more quickly than ever. The planet has been spinning faster for a few years now and what scientists call a trend is due to continue for the near future. But the Akashic Masters tell me that it’s not a trend, merely evolution as more and more of us raise our consciousness.

A time of inquiry

The benefits of slowing down and taking the time to explore this last year are exponential. What have you felt joyful about? Sad? Angry? It’s worth the effort to sit still and ask yourself these questions because the answers often reveal where you’ve stayed on course and where you’ve veered.

This exercise proved to be valuable for Kat, a client I’d worked with several times. Last year at this time, she was feeling overwhelmed, as many of us do around the holidays. She reached out to better understand why.

The past isn’t always centuries ago

What the Akashic Masters showed us came as a surprise. It was a fast-paced look at the prior eleven months of Kat’s life. Every scene we saw had a common theme – Sacrifice. And not the kind that results in the feeling of having contributed in a meaningful way.

The first thing we were shown was Kat working by herself to set tables for a charity dinner that had over one hundred people attending. Others had promised to help but she was the only volunteer who showed up. Next, we saw her soliciting donations for another non-profit, reaching out to local stores in search of contributions for gift baskets and swag bags.

The subsequent pieces of her life we witnessed offered similar themes. Kat helping, usually alone, and not receiving the appropriate gratitude or respect for her time and effort. “That is eerie,” she said after we’d closed her Akashic Records. “I was just asking myself if I wanted to commit to volunteering for this group I always work with at the holidays.”

The Akashic Records can reveal unhealthy patterns

We talked about her pattern of sacrifice and the harm it causes when there isn’t a healthy symbiosis in relationships, be they personal, professional, or even as a volunteer. “I’m always the one they reach out to,” she admitted. “I get the job done and everyone’s happy except me because I feel used.”

The series of past experiences the Akashic Masters showed us revealed the hidden drive Kat had to feel valued and needed. “That’s definitely from my childhood,” she said. “I did whatever was necessary to feel like I had my mom’s attention and approval. I wasn’t aware how I carried that into my adult life.”

We all carry past trauma

Whether it’s from lifetimes ago or as recent as this year, trauma creates a multitude of dysfunctional behaviors that over time solidify into what we call normal. But it doesn’t have to be. Deep down, it felt familiar for Kat to sacrifice her time, her needs, and her desires in exchange for feeling valued. But what worked for her as a child – doing whatever was necessary to get the validation and love she craved – was an impediment as an adult.

With the information from her Akashic Records, she was able to begin breaking the cycle. The last time she checked in, Kat told me she was no longer saying yes to things she really didn’t want to do no matter how much someone implored her or tried to cajole a yes by singing her praises.

This is the perfect time for you to access your own history, to become aware of the things you do that prevent you from raising your consciousness and evolving in a way that empowers you to have the kind of life you truly want.

Don’t let the drama that can occur at this time of the year distract you. Make yourself the priority and the rewards of your investment will propel you into the experiences and relationships that bring you joy and deepen your understanding of who you really are.

Connect with Lisa on The Wellness Universe.

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