Full Moon in Leo: Expansive Intentions Now!

OK, you’re almost a month into 2021. Have you made good so far on your resolutions to run three times a week? Or stop eating sweets? Or floss your teeth every day?

If so, yay, you! If not, it’s not too late to revisit those big ideas you started the year with. And the Full Moon in Leo (while the Sun is in Aquarius) on January 28h is a great time to do it.

What makes Full Moon energy so powerful?

When we’re talking about the Full Moon, the emphasis is obviously on what zodiac sign the moon falls in. So, with the Moon in Leo, we can more easily draw on our playful, fun-loving nature; Leo knows how to have a good time! Leo energy is also all about passion, generosity, optimism, and creativity.

But unlike New Moons, when both the Sun and Moon are in the same sign, you can bring in the Sun\’s different cosmic flavor when playing with Full Moon energy.

In astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which is known as the planet of awakening. With Uranus as it’s ruler, Aquarius is all about being quirky, eccentric, and even rebellious. I often refer to it as the “gotta be me” zodiac sign.

Aquarian energy is also progressive, visionary and humanitarian. During Aquarius season, which runs from January 19 to February 18 this year, you may be drawn to rally people around your favorite cause or social justice project.

And particularly useful for your 2021 re-visioning, Aquarius is all about looking ahead, breaking through limitations, and making any changes necessary for taking you where you want to be.

How can you not call on that energy to pump up your intention-setting for the year?

Intentions vs Resolutions

I’ve never been comfortable with the word “resolutions” but couldn’t put my finger on why. Turns out there are some good reasons for that. 

The dictionary definition of a resolution is to “make a decision to do (or not do) something” or “to take an action to solve a problem.” It’s usually pretty specific like the commitment to running, flossing your teeth or giving up sweets.

Setting an intention means to aim or plan to do something, which frankly, feels much more expansive to me. It’s not focused on a specific outcome, but rather on the process or journey to achieve your goal.

For instance, instead of declaring you want to lose 15 pounds, you might instead make the intention to walk more often or eat more vegetables over the course of the week.

Intention-setting gives you space to be more creative with your thinking and your actions, without beating yourself up when your declared resolution falls by the wayside.

Use the January 28th Leo Full Moon to turn those limiting resolutions into expansive intentions.

Here are a few ideas for how to do that:

1. Conjure up some candle magic.

One of my all-time favorite ways to set intentions is to create a magical candle; the perfect “magical arts and crafts” project to bring in Leo’s creative, playful spirit!

All you need is a 3″ or 6″ pillar (fat) candle and a pen or big nail. Take some time to reflect on what you’d like to manifest in the year ahead, more fun, better health, greater confidence, more stillness?

Then sitting in a quiet space, carve into the candle words or symbols that represent those intentions and wishes. You can get the full instructions on how to create your magical candle HERE.  

When you finish, you can burn it down quickly or slowly over the next several weeks or months. Every time you light your candle, you’ll be re-igniting those commitments!

2. Practice sankalpa.

The yogis of ancient times recognized the importance of setting intentions, too! The Sanskrit term sankalpa in yogic philosophy is defined as an “intention formed by the heart and mind; a solemn vow, determination, or one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal and harmonize mind and body.” That has a deeper, more meaningful resonance than the modern-day practice of simply making resolutions, doesn’t it?

If you light your magical candle and sit with your hands in sankalpa mudra (sacred hand gesture) while you quietly speak out loud your intentions for the year, all aspects of your being, mind, body, and spirit, are aligned to work together to bring your dreams and wishes to fruition.

3. Honor your unique gifts.

Tap into this Full Moon’s Aquarian, “gotta be me” energy and make a point to acknowledge your individuality. When you embrace those qualities that make you quirky or different, it’s incredibly empowering.

For instance, pick something about yourself you tend to put down “I’m too sensitive” or “I’m damaged goods from my childhood.” Then focus on the way those self-limiting beliefs have molded you in unexpected ways. Maybe your sensitivity or honesty make you a valued friend. Or dealing with a difficult childhood has made you more resilient or adaptable.

Reframing the negative judgements or beliefs you have about yourself will only increase your self-esteem and confidence, Leo will love that! And when you bring that power-source to the business of manifesting your intentions, you’ll be unstoppable.

4. Make a plan to give back in some way.

As much as Aquarius prompts you to focus on your individual nature, it also can take you outside of yourself to contemplate how you can create a better world. And that sort of humanitarian impulse can open new connections and opportunities for growth.

Is there a cause you’re passionate about? Gather your community together (Aquarius will love that, too) and plan a Zoom fundraising event. Maybe an open mic with people offering their poetry, comedy skits, or music; performers have gotten very creative during the pandemic! And who knows, some of those new connections may unexpectedly provide just what you need to make progress on some of your intentions for 2021.

Use this powerful cosmic energy of the Leo Full Moon to get rid of those limiting resolutions and create expansive intentions to carry you through the rest of the year!



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