Insights and Inspirations: Define Success

Insights and Inspirations: Define Success by The Wellness Universe #WUVIP #DefineSuccess


Success is one of those tricky words that can make us feel like we are on top of the world, or like a complete failure. Success is subjective and ever-changing based on our own goals and expectations. Did you know that anything you attempt is actually a success? It’s true! Perhaps the outcome was different than your expectations, however, just attempting and believing in yourself is a huge success!

Taking action takes courage (and not everyone does it), so kudos to you for honoring that voice within and going for it. If the outcome wasn\’t what you were hoping for, you can still choose to learn from it and apply those lessons the next time around when taking action. Now that\’s hitting success out of the ballpark!

We wanted to ask some experts, our WU World-Changers, to share with us their thoughts on “How do you define success?”

Read what “Insights and Inspirations” on how to Define Success they had to share.

Be sure to connect with them each, directly!

“When you can enjoy the quiet of your own company, that’s success.

When you can easily open your heart for someone in need, that’s success. When you can think about those you love as a smile curls your lips and a warmth envelops your heart, that’s success.

When you can surrender and grow comfortable with the discomfort of the unknown, that’s success. When you think of giving up, giving in, and going back to what was old and familiar… but then refuse, and remain on your journey forward, that’s success.

Success is facing your fears, slaying your dragons, healing your wounds, and loving yourself. Success is thanking your ego for trying to protect you, as you choose to trust the voice of your highest-self, instead.

Success is knowing that even if you have nothing, you have everything you need to create a life that’s rich, fulfilling, and beautiful.

Success is the outpouring of love from within, regardless of what external signs of validation you receive. Success is using your biggest obstacles as the catalysts to reveal your greatest gifts.

Success is knowing that you are worthy, deserving and lovable… simply because you exist.”

Debi Silber

Transformational Psychologist, Health, Mindset, and Personal Development Expert

“Success to me, is feeling confident that I can overcome any challenge. Rather than complain about an issue, I seek solutions and take decisive action to continue moving forward toward my goals.

To ensure my continued success, I divide my goal into attainable steps and then take action to build momentum. As I complete each step, I acknowledge myself. I feel good about it and proud of myself for completing a necessary task that puts me closer and closer to my goal.

It doesn’t matter if the task was small, or if it only took a few minutes to complete it. A success is a success no matter how you look at it! So, I feel good about my achievements, and I let it bring me the confidence to move forward.

When an obstacle raises its head, I deal with it right away. Perhaps there is a way I can simply sidestep this challenge and move on? Perhaps it is really bringing me the opportunity to find a better way to get to my goal?

Whatever the challenge, I seek a solution of action steps that keep me moving forward, even if there is a detour along the way.”

Moira Hutchison

Mindfulness Coach & Teacher, Motivational Mentor, and Energy Healer

“For me, success is waking up each and every day and loving who I see in the mirror.”

Shari Alyse

Co-Founder of The Wellness Universe, Speaker, Author, and Joy Magnet  

“For me, success is being present in each and every moment of the day, being okay with feeling emotional, and letting go of any need I have to control what is going on.  I love the freedom of not being in control and simply going with the flow of what the Universe offers me.”

Karen Cherrett

Holistic Counselor

We hope you enjoyed this week’s Insights and Inspirations on “How do you define success?”  Come back and join us next Monday for another installment of Insights and Inspirations!

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Have A Wellness-Filled Day!

– The Wellness Universe Team

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