Inspiration for December 26th by Melissa Palmer

Inspiration for December 26th by Melissa Palmer #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #FeaturedInspiration

Surrender to the being within and allow your truth to illuminate with the featured Inspiration for December 26th by Melissa Palmer. 

Being of Me,
the very within,
I surrender and let you be,
I let go of what illusions
I held onto to define who I am
by what others think I am
and I open my mind,
my arms, my heart to you,
welcoming you,
loving you,
Lead me as I only have dreamed,
but have silently known possible…
I release my battles with you,
I release my walls…
Being of me,
bloom like a million flowers,
in the field, mountains and streams
of me, found within nature,
found all across the universe
and within every star, person, heart,
Being of me, shine as the sunshine
we all truly are, Let us be radiant
and not at war with ourselves
for no healthy cause…
Being of me,
I give this to me,
as I am for this is Love…

– Melissa Palmer  ♥

Click for more Inspiration and ways to connect with the lovely #WUVIP Melissa Palmer