Inspiring Quote for January 14th by Eileen Burns

Inspiring Quote for January 14th by Eileen Burns #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #InspirationalQuote

Be reminded that hobbies and healthy interests are so underrated, so embrace yours with the featured Inspiring Quote for January 14th by Eileen Burns.

Hobbies and healthy interests are so underrated.

As adults consumed by busyness and modern technology, we have forgotten how to relax and engage in healthier things that our soul was born to do.

Think back to your childhood what did you naturally do, love to do?

Maybe you loved to get out and explore nature, have new adventures, maybe it was getting out and be active or even wild swinging from trees or maybe getting stuck into your next creation; making a den, dolls dress, a beautiful picture?

Maybe it was learning, reading, listening to, playing or making music. Remember how enjoyable and relaxing these activities were and could be?

Today List 5 Things You Loved to Do as A Child. 

And, over the next few days think about how you could bring that natural passion back into your life. It doesn’t matter if you believe you aren’t very good at it or if someone else told you that. It is about doing what you love, what sparks a bit of fun, hope, joy and or passion.

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