International Day of Nonviolence October 2nd Observed on Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi

International Day of #Non-Violence October 2nd 2015 #MahatmaGandhi #Ghandi #WUVIP #Peace #October

International Day of Non-Violence Observed on Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi: 20 Inspiring images to support this day. Visit each quote creator by clicking on the image.

Join us in Celebrating The UN International day of Nonviolence
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” M.K. Gandhi

The United Nations has established October 2nd each year as the International Day of Nonviolence. It is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of nonviolence as a tool for social change.

October 2nd we commemorate and build on Gandhi’s legacy, as a part of building a “culture of peace” in the world. We come together here to foster principles such as compassion, acceptance, forgiveness and love that will help us to co-create a nonviolent world.

We hope you will join us. Please feel free to post your thoughts or posters on nonviolence in the comments below as one small way you too can “be the change you wish to see in the world.”








Special thank you to Gerry Straatemeier of Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence Tucson for writing our introduction.

The time is NOW to heal what is within ~ mind, body and spirit.

Achieving your goals through unblocking your chakras:



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