IOTD for August 28th by Maryann Patalano

IOTD for August 28th by Maryann Patalano #WUVIP #IOTD #TheWellnessUniverse

Please take a moment to enjoy the IOTD for August 28th by Maryann Patalano and walk away feeling better and inspired! 

Do you believe that God (Spirit/Loving Intelligence) is everywhere present? If so, then that means it is right where you are – now. In fact, it is in and around you at all times. A popular New Thought saying is, “There is no spot where is God is not.”  I encourage you to think about this very deeply; as a true understanding of this statement would likely bring a realization of the truth of your magnificence into your awareness.

In my spiritual coaching sessions, the most common block to an individual achieving a desired change or acquiring peace, abundance or fulfilling relationships is their belief that they are separate from their Source. The moment they have a realization that it is impossible to be separated from God, then their entire world begins to shift in an affirmative way. Why? Because the power of the Universe is right where we are – infinite potential for all good is an attribute of our divinity that requires only recognition and acceptance in order to become active in our lives.

If you want to learn more about yourself as a divine emanation of God, I encourage you to read Journal Like God – Harness the Creative Power of the Universe Through Journal Writing. This book takes the reader on a deep and meaningful journey into the awareness of their greatest self – as an emanation of Spirit.

Blessings to you.

– Maryann

Please Meet Maryann Patalano