IOTD for October 27th by Evie Angel

IOTD for October 27th by Evie Angel #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #IOTD

In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, please take a moment to read the IOTD for October 27th by Evie Angel via The Wellness Universe and walk away feeling inspired! 

One of my recovery poems mentions hot chocolate and I cried and made other people cry at a domestic abuse safeguarding event today so treating myself –

Freedom tastes like cheesecake (and hot chocolate) 

Fear has a taste
Of blood mixed with tears
Metallic and bitter which makes me feel sick.
It sickens me.
Freedom tastes like hot chocolate, fresh strawberries, and cheesecake.
And it makes me smile.
Fear has a smell
Of vodka and cigarettes.
It triggers me.
Freedom smells like pine trees in a forest
And bread baking in the oven and freshly brewed coffee.
And it makes me smile.
Fear has a touch
Rough and scratchy and hard.
It bruises me.
Freedom has the lightest touch
Loving and caring like a hug.
And it makes me smile.
Fear has a sound
like a wounded animal, a horror movie scream
It sounds like me shouting “help me!” It is me.
Freedom has a sound
Like children\’s laughter. Like a favourite song
Like birds singing
And it makes me smile.
The taste, smell, touch and sound of Fear still triggers me
But freedom tastes better
Smells better
Feels better
And sounds better to me
And that makes me smile

– Evie Angel 

Please Meet Evie Angel