Kim and Jenny Own Their Why

Own Your Truth by Sharing Your Why - Meet Kim and Jenny #WUVIP #WhyVideos #TheWellnessUniverse

We are clear on our “What” we do and “How” we do it, but our “Why” keeps us doing it daily with love and commitment. Our Why is our driving force. It creates the roadmap in our hearts to live to our fullest potential. 
Your why is what makes you a lighthouse! Own your TRUTH by sharing your WHY … The world needs your LIGHT!
Meet below, two inspiring people who are changing lives every day by living and sharing their why on purpose. After you see what Kim and Jenny have to say, please own your truth and share “Your Why” with us in the comments!

Meet Kim Bayne

Like most, I have lived my share of challenges. The hardest being losing my father to suicide at the age of 12, and living the majority of my life with illness after illness.

After years of struggling with resentment, anger, frustration and numerous emotional feelings such as unworthiness and low self-esteem, I finally was able to break free and forgive.

I have taken my life and my health back and  have since dedicated my life to helping others in their journey toward living a more empowered and positive life. I am a Certified Life Coach, Master Reiki Practitioner NLP Practitioner, and an Ordained Minister. I am currently taking numerous classes in the Law of Attraction, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression & Writing.

Being an Empath and Intuitive, I feel more, sense more, and hear more than most. It is my hope to Inspire, Guide, and Teach others forgiveness and Love.

Meet Jenny Tasker

I am a 70\’s indigo child, a spiritualist whom has endured many difficult struggles in life. I continue to overcome these “lessons,” with faith and belief in my incredibly resilient light.

I was born an Empath, a Seer, and a Psychic dreamer, my other gifts from Source include Tarot/Oracle Card Reading, Light Worker, Writer, and most recently Life Guide. Presently, I live with an incurable debilitating condition, that restricts me from leaving my home. I have been given a very important mission, and being stuck at home, wasn\’t going to stop me.

I started Jenny\’s Positive Posts, as a way to reach out and make a difference in the World. My dream is that one day, very soon, everyone will easily see how incredibly beautiful and perfectly unique they are. That we are only given the struggles/lessons we must learn, in order to move forward on our journeys.

Keep believing that your incredibly resilient light will carry you through because it absolutely will! Always be mindful of your moments, and be thankful, for YOU! Most importantly, always remember that no matter how it may feel at the time, you are NEVER truly alone.

May you always see your light to help guide you, feel your love to warm you, and enjoy the brightest of blessings that reward you.

Call To Action!

Share with us your why. Tell us what you do. Are you a stay at home mom or a supreme court judge? No role is insignificant because YOU have a “why” you do it. Inspire the readers on The Wellness Universe around the world in the comments below.

This is not a contest. You won’t win anything, but what you do get is a wonderful sense of sharing your story and helping someone else to have the confidence to pursue their “why” too.

Thank you!

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