Let Go of What Doesn’t Support Your Journey

Let Go of What Doesn’t Support Your Journey

Life continues to be filled with enormous changes so it’s understandable if we want to cling to what is familiar. But the Akashic Masters tell me that refusing to release what no longer serves us is not the way to upgrade our lives. Examining why you’re afraid to let go of people, careers, and material things that are not aligned with your true self can feel scary, but when you face the fear, the letting go comes naturally.

Comfort in the familiar

Human beings are creatures of habit. We often mistake familiarity for comfort, and this can hold us back in our own evolution. Imagine what would have happened if humans never acquired opposable thumbs. We don’t know how the transition went, but there had to have been adjustments during the process. And we certainly wouldn’t be where we are if we still had to use claws to grasp and move objects.

Change can feel uncomfortable. Scary even. The unknown is not something the human mind likes very much. But if you are on a conscious path of evolving, of upgrading the life you have to create something better, evaluating whether the people and experiences in your life reflect who you know yourself to be is essential.

Unexpected steps

Marie contacted me via e-mail after taking one of my classes. “I’m on the edge of a big change,” she wrote. “But I can’t seem to get myself over the hump. Do you think my Akashic Records could offer some answers?”

We talked, and I told her that exploring one’s past lives often showed how those experiences inform the present. When we got together, she still felt a little hesitant. “What if I discover I did something horrible?” she asked. After discussing it further, she realized that fear was really about stepping into the life she’d been creating, and even more about being afraid of what she’d have to leave behind.

How the past can influence the present

The Akashic Masters gave us a glimpse into a life Marie lived where she worked as what we would call an accountant today. She was employed by a wealthy merchant who had multiple shops throughout their town. She hated the mundane nature of the job and the owner of the business, who was condescending and often cruel.

Although she had a wife and four children, one day Marie could not take his treatment any longer and after a huge argument, quit. The pressure had been building for months but now she was terrified about how to explain this to her wife. Instead, she went to the local watering hole and got drunk. This led to a fight with another patron, which caused her to be arrested and sentenced to several months of hard labor.

Her family was left with no income and her wife forced to clean houses for the wealthy just to put food on the table. When Marie finally arrived home, the marriage was in shambles and her children angry. Divorce was not an option during this time, so they lived out their lives in the same house, miserable despite Marie’s attempt to redeem herself, eating humble pie by apologizing to her former employer to get rehired.

Reconciling past and present

When we were finished, Marie didn’t speak for quite a while. Finally, she told me that part of what brought her to me was the dissatisfaction with her job. “But walking out is scary, especially since I don’t really know what I want to do next.”

Her entire professional life had been in retail management and although she still enjoyed some of the people on the job, it wasn’t enough to soothe her unhappiness. “I see clearly how what I did in a past life influences me now,” she said. “Something in me is terrified that if I walk away horrible things will happen.”

We prayed to release that experience, the karma that accompanied it and the emotions of humiliation and regret. Marie shared that up until exploring her Akashic Records, she’d seen only two options: staying or storming off. The karma of that past life kept her from seeing that there was a third option. She could stay at the job while she planned her exit.

In the end, Marie ended up saving enough money over the next six months to live for a year. “It gives me the space to just be for a while,” she told me. “If I know my bills are taken care of, I think I can find the courage.”

A year later, she wrote to tell me she was enrolled in law school. “There are so many people who need a lawyer and can’t afford one,” she said. “I want to be able to be one they can afford.”

It’s never too late to let go of what doesn’t serve you. The Akashic Records can help you do this in a way that feels less scary. Knowing what you’ve brought with you into this life – trauma, karma, promises, that keep you from upgrading your life empowers you to clear it so you can keep moving forward.

Connect with Lisa at The Wellness Universe.

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