Life Guided by Spirit in 7 Easy Steps

Life Guided by Spirit in 7 Easy Steps by Carolyn McGee #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Spirit

Life is a series of choices. Each instant we get to be in that moment, reflect, or live in the past or project into the future. How do you make your choices? Are you aware of what energy you are in when you choose?

For many years I lived very logically, not trusting spiritual input in my choices. I thought out my options in a very analytical way. I found time and time again, that my logical decisions were often not the best for me. I realized that I knew on some level the choices I was making were not in my highest good, yet I ignored that part of me that reached out to guide me on a better path. I knew that there was more information available to me if I would just accept it. As I believed my intuition and connection to divine wisdom, my life flowed easier and with more grace. I had the energy to take inspired actions with better results.

I now live my life connected to my inner guidance, making empowered actions and feeling peace with each decision.

My seven steps to living a life guided by spirit are:
  1. Feel signals from your body to access higher wisdom. Take 7 deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth. As you breathe; relax and feel the sensation in your body. Feel your energy flow from your toes to your head. As you bring your awareness to how your body connects with your breath, you will feel where you are out of alignment with spirit so that you feel a healthier flow of energy.
  2. Make friends with negative emotions. A beautiful part of the human experience is feeling our not so pleasant emotions. We often are quick to bury emotions like anxiety, yet without the shadow of these emotions, how would we see the joy and light of their opposites? By shining the light of acknowledgment on these negative aspects, we give them permission to heal and grow so that we feel the delight in all aspects of ourselves.
  3. The gift of no! Make authentic and empowered choices by saying no with compassion. Release the need to always say yes and understand that you are offering an opportunity to the person you say no to by allowing them to step into their divine power. This is a gift to yourself and to the person receiving the no.
  4. Divine awareness of self. Make choices from your heart. Write a statement or question on a piece of paper and hold it to your heart. How does it make you feel? Does your heart expand? Or does your heart and body want to shrink away from the paper? This will give you clear guidance on if this choice is in your highest good and peace in your decisions.
  5. Clear awareness of divine in your world. Start to notice and track all the synchronicities and coincidences in your life. Then, ask for something and acknowledge it when it shows up. Notice how easy it is to connect to spirit and manifest a tranquil life.
  6. Awe, mystery, and magic. Remember the child-like wonder of a beautiful sunset, a flower opening or an ice cream. View all events through the lens of wonder. The more grateful we are, the quicker we recognize the magic in every day, the more and quicker it will show up so that we are living the life of our dreams.
  7. Deep and trusting connection to spirit. This is where practice makes perfect. Create a daily practice to connect with spirit. Put this practice into action and model your easy and graceful life to others. The more you trust, the more positive results and “instant” manifestations you will have.

Following these steps has connected me deeper to spirit, enhanced my trust, and sharpened my awareness of answers to my requests. The more I practice, the easier it is to take inspired action on the guidance as I have positive tangible evidence of the benefits of living life guided by spirit. I invite you to practice and create your own easy and joyful life!

– Carolyn

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