Never Again Say \”I Can\’t Afford It!

100 dollar bills flowing

As a business owner never, ever say, “I can’t afford it!”

This statement is a death sentence for your business and damages your professional and personal reputation. As you know it takes funds to run and operate a business. You create it to sustain a lifestyle where you can thrive and have joy and balance. One that allows you to work for your purpose! Stop laughing, it’s true! Why did you start your business if not to take your passion to the world and live off of the rewards? If this is not happening, there is a deficit. All you may have is a hobby.

Have you ever felt the heavy energy of someone in financial straits? And if you did, did you run in the opposite direction? I have. Yes, I admit it; I have. How can people step up for their clients or partners if they don’t put in the time, effort, or commitment to operate their business?

NOTEThis is a delicate subject. Do you want advice on how to face money issues and receive guidance to help you get off the “I can’t afford it” hamster wheel? Reach for a place where you love your life and your work. Hop onto the free ride of prosperity, abundance, vacation-enjoying, freedom-filled, stress-free, support-filled, mindset, and lifestyle!

As the founder of The Wellness Universe, I have guided people who operate from a state of lack but, until they make the mind-shift and investments in themselves and their businesses, they continue to stay in that broken space. I don’t want YOU to struggle. When you don’t own your business, it owns you. When you can’t give your best, you rob the world of your gifts. This is a great tragedy in my books.

About Money

The fastest way to evoke uncertainty and unreliability in what you offer is to show that you are facing a financial struggle. When you are not making money, it sends the message that what you offer is not worth investing in; you are a novice and may be out of business tomorrow.

When I hear a business owner say, “I can’t afford it,” deep down I know what they mean

But what you are saying and how it’s perceived is VERY different. Often, my stomach turns and my heart breaks as I say to myself, “Why? Why would you say this?” or “Why? What’s going on that has you living in ‘Brokeville’?”

When someone says they ‘can’t’ do something, the listener associates it with a thought like:

  • A lack of skills
  • Not being open
  • Lack of availability
  • Insufficient education or a novice
  • You don’t have it together
  • Why not?
  • Something’s wrong!

When you hear someone say, “I can’t afford it,” you probably think to yourself, “I hope they don’t ask to borrow money from me!”

In terms of business, it tells people you are not making money, don’t have income, don’t have the support you need, etc. It sends a potential partner or client running in the opposite direction. Worse, the word may spread that you are struggling and are not reliable and this damages your reputation.

As truth would have it, everyone has money struggles! Find out what works for you for investing in education and support, developing new products and services, planning, systems, marketing, legal services, travel, etc. Remember, it takes money to run a business and even wealthy people have gaps in accessing liquid funds.

When financial setbacks come up and someone presents you with an opportunity, may I suggest a more positive response:

  • “This isn’t in the budget at the moment”
  • “Let me think about it”
  • “This is not my focus right now, but I will consider it”
  • “Sounds like a great opportunity, however, my commitment lies in a different direction right now”

Any of these may be true for you. Re-framing your mind around lack and putting a more positive spin on it changes the conversation to a dynamic and energetic one. It casts a professional and positive awareness on the conversation and leaves the listener with the thought that you know where you allocate your funds, and that you are not in lack, a spendthrift, or reckless with your finances.

Never think you are not worthy of investing in yourself through education or resources needed to run your show. In fact, the chances of being successful decline the longer you operate at a deficit. Along with the emotional toll this takes on you, it degrades your creativity, spark, commitment, and robs you of your time and energy.

Also, if you believe in energy and the law of attraction like I do, the energy you attract by verbalizing positive statements leaves the future open to possibilities.

Every time you say, I can’t, you never will. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy!

There are many things you can do in your business (and in your personal life, too). You can even do a complete overhaul! But whatever you need to do to get it figured out know this, there are many ways to help yourself on a foundation, spiritual, social, and educational level.

Most suggestions below are FREE and can all lead to more money:

  • Read

Read articles and books by successful people.

  • Research

What are the trends that align with you? Is a marketing shift needed?

  • Education

Do you need to know more about your field of specialization? Education should never end and is never a waste of time or money.

  • Community

Do you have coaches and mentors? Are there people who live in the same area and can support you?

  • Full-time or Part-time job

Need to bite the bullet and get extra cash?

Shift your mindset

Do you need to change your belief system around money?

  • Balance and proper self-care

Are you giving yourself time to refresh? If you are burnt-out, you are clogging up the channels and miss seeing opportunities because you are busy focusing on a plate, a FULL plate.

  • Get your fundamentals in order

Do you have a business plan, marketing plan, etc.? Like they say, “Without a plan, you plan to fail.”

  • Are you networking?

Get out and meet people. Get on the phone. Do what you have to, to get connected with people.

  • Are you being creative?

Have you tried new ways of doing business? Have you tried hosting workshops, going to retreats, contacting former clients, and offering them incentives for referrals? Going back to my previous suggestion about community and networking, people have great ideas to share. The more people you speak to and connect with, the more ideas you will get.

I hope this dipping your toe in the proverbial pool sparked ideas, inspired you, and opened the door to new ways for abundance to enter your life. Here’s to your success, financial abundance, freedom, fulfillment, and most of all, making the world a better place!

What are your thoughts, suggestions, and experiences around money and saying, I Can’t? Let me know in the comments section below!

– Anna

Connect with Anna Pereira on The Wellness Universe and walk away feeling better!

*This article was previously published on January 20, 2019.

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