How to Have the 2021 You Dream of

A new year is a perfect opportunity for change. You will often hear, change is hard, but does it have to be?

I’m going to tell you a story of how I created the life I dreamed of, in the hope that it inspires you to create the 2021 you never thought possible.

A few years ago, I let go of my long-held belief that change was difficult. I discovered it doesn’t need to be hard at all! You can create the life you’ve been dreaming of, but to do so, you need to change the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that have been keeping you stuck in your current reality. That might sound like a tall order, but it doesn’t have to be cumbersome; it can be an adventure, go figure!

Have you ever watched the movie “The Secret?” Or been blessed with the teachings of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Abraham Hicks, Dr. Bruce Lipton, or Louise Hay, all of whom share the belief that our thoughts and concepts are powerful instruments that can bring about change? When I fully embraced this approach as a way of life, things changed, and in unexpected and amazing ways, but then, I hit a plateau. It was like there was a limit to how far affirmations and positive thoughts could take me. I tried all the tools, vision boards, transmuting negative emotions, focused intention, guided imagery, you name it, nothing was working for me!

I knew thoughts created my reality, but I was attracting things, people, and experiences that consciously I was not asking for. I had the concept down, I understood it, and was truly aware of the direct impact my perspective and emotions had on how my life was unfolding. I had some great tools from each of these insightful teachings, but I was missing one key aspect – the mechanism to access and change the underlying cause of what was attracting these unwanted experiences.

If you have ever experienced the teachings of Dr. Bruce Lipton & Dr. Wayne Dyer, on the power of thoughts, you will have learnt that our conscious thoughts only attribute 5% of our vibration (what we attract) and our subconscious mind an astounding 95%! This made so much sense to me, so I explored this concept further. And down the rabbit hole I went.

In my humble opinion, this is where most people get stuck.

They just keep repeating the same thing over and over again, unaware as to why nothing is changing. 

You may have got stuck at this point in previous new year’s, but I promise you this is the year you can make progress! The issue resides in the fact that the subconscious program is still playing in the background, like a skipping record, off in the distance that you tune out over time. We need to relearn to hear this clearly and then change the record. As Einstein said, you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect a different result, yet so many of us do, all while ignoring the noise in the background.

This discovery left me with more questions. HOW do I access this part of my mind and change the record? I tried further tools and approaches and discovered what subconscious programs, beliefs, feelings, and behaviours were creating my life patterns and cycles. I almost became overwhelmed by the limiting beliefs I discovered and thought I would never be able to get where I wanted to be.

Then I found Theta Brain Wave or I should say, Theta Brain Wave found me! That is when I truly discovered my co-creating power. I tapped into my manifesting Rockstar, and you can do the same! Like night and day, I not only identified underlying subconscious limiting beliefs, but I was able to change them in an instant, feel immediate results, and saw tangible changes in how my life was unfolding. I went from struggling to living in my personal vortex of prosperity. By aligning my subconscious and my conscious, I tapped into my power to create my dream life. And you can do the same!

When your conscious desires and subconscious programming are out of alignment, you will feel torn, uncertain, like you\’re battling with yourself. I’m sure you can relate to this feeling. You know something consciously, but you still feel the guilt, fear, anger, etc.

When your feelings and behaviours don’t match what you know intellectually, these are classic symptoms of misalignment. Compare what you consciously desire to your current reality; where there are discrepancies, there are limiting beliefs, and energetic blocks. That is how powerful a creator you are; if you desire it, you can create it, unless you have blocks preventing you from achieving it.

You know deep down that you have the strength and the power to craft the 2021 you dream of. 

It is within us all. It won’t happen overnight, but the journey can start right now. Consider your conscious desires, tap into your subconscious, and work to realign your programming. 

Once you achieve this harmony, 2021 is yours to create.

– Anik

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25 Tools for Happiness brought to you by our Author, Anna Pereira Head of The Wellness Universe.

Mark your calendar, 2021 will be a year filled with happiness! February 11 pick up your copy of The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Happiness!

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