New Moon Ritual – Honor your Spiritual Journey

Honor your Spiritual Journey

When the Sun moves through the astrological sign of Sagittarius each year from November 22 to December 21, we all have a chance to tap into the light-hearted vibe it brings, regardless of our particular Sun sign.

And of course, the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd embodies that energy even more powerfully, as both the Sun and the Moon are in that upbeat, idealistic sign. It can infuse you with a sense of joy, freedom, and optimism — the perfect recipe for gathering with friends and family for Thanksgiving and beyond.

Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which the ancient Greeks called “the Greater Benefic,” believing its energy infused us with a sense of purpose, adventure, and happiness.

According to astrology, if you’re born with Jupiter in a prominent position on your natal chart, it’s thought that you’re born under a lucky star. And really, wherever Jupiter appears in your birth chart, during this time you’ll feel a little extra glow and ease in the area of your life its placement represents.

Sagittarius New Moon Qualities

New Moons in general are powerful times to plant seeds for the ideas, plans, and actions you want to grow over the coming weeks as the Moon itself waxes towards full again.

Sagittarius is a fire sign (like Aries and Leo), so you’ll be drawn to create those intentions in dynamic, expansive ways. That energy is represented perfectly by the Archer, Sag’s symbol in astrology – looking ahead with a sense of purpose, setting your sights in that direction, and letting your creativity and focus carry you there.

However, while it’s true that you’ll have a good time getting your Sagittarius groove on, there’s also a deeper side to this fun-loving sign. The same urge to “live large” also shows up as a thirst for experiences beyond your everyday life. You’ll want to travel to new places, explore other cultures and philosophies, and generally expand your horizons spiritually and intellectually.

The biggest cautionary concern in Sagittarius (and every zodiac sign has its own) is to not go overboard in whatever area or activity you’re exploring during this zodiac cycle. Just add the preposition “over” to any of those Sagittarius traits, and you’ll get the picture: over-indulgent, over-confident, overly optimistic, over-active.

Fortunately, that same energy also carries with it lots of charm and friendliness, so even if you offend or overwhelm someone, you’ll likely be forgiven quickly!

How to set up your magical lunar toolbox for your Sagittarius New Moon ritual on November 23

You’ll need to start with these basic Sagittarius associations and symbols:

  • Elemental energy: Fire
  • Color: Purple
  • Gemstones: Topaz, turquoise, and lapis lazuli
  • Flowers: Exotic flowers like jasmine, gladiolus, or amaryllis
  • Essential Oils: Geranium, frankincense, rosemary, High John the Conqueror (a traditional good luck oil from American folklore)
  • Music: Jazz, brass, free-spirited
  • Food/Drink: Exotic, non-traditional, multi-cultural

With these prompts, you can now create your sacred ritual space — spread out a purple cloth as an altar cloth and place some turquoise or lapis crystals there. Then, embracing Sag’s fiery energy, you want to be sure to surround your sacred ritual space with lots of candles!

Burn some of those Sagittarius essential oils in an aromatherapy lamp and maybe play some soft jazz in the background. If possible, bring a pinecone (a photo will do, too) and some yarn or thread, along with your journal.

Reflecting on your spiritual journey

Now you’re ready to dance into that sense of sacred play that Sagittarius is so good at. Close your eyes and allow yourself to sink into the inner space where all of your memories reside.

Follow those memories back to the first time you had an awareness of being connected to something greater than yourself.

Some questions to consider:

  • What was your earliest exposure to God/Goddess/Spirit? Did your family go to church or temple? Or was nature (or something else) your sanctuary?
  • Did you ever question the spiritual beliefs you grew up with? If so, when and what happened?
  • Have you experienced your own individual connection to the Divine?
  • What are some of the pivotal moments in your spiritual exploration up to this point?

As you answer these questions (or any other ones that come up for you), take the pinecone and begin to wind the yarn around it, quietly reciting out loud your spiritual history (or “herstory” for women!) and tying a knot at each of those pivotal points.

Throughout the span of recorded history, pinecones have symbolized human enlightenment and the Third Eye. So, your Sagittarius New Moon pinecone becomes a tangible, visceral celebration of your spiritual unfolding! [And note… if you’re unable to get a pinecone, you can embrace the same symbolism by drawing a big spiral on a piece of paper and marking your spiritual pivotal points along the way.]

Once you’ve honored your spiritual foundation in one of these ways, you’re ready to set some new intentions for the path forward.

Open your third eye and ride an arrow from the Sagittarius Archer into the next stage of your spiritual journey!

  • Is there a new spiritual path you’ve felt drawn to explore, but haven’t? Why?
  • Have some of your favorite spiritual practices fallen away? How can you re-commit to them?

Place your pinecone (or spiral) on your desk or dresser to remind you to take action in one of those areas!

If you want to tap into this energy even more, definitely check out the video I created for The Wellness Universe last year for the Sagittarius season.

I’d love to hear about your new commitments to enhance the next stage of your lifelong spiritual journey!

Connect with Deborah on The Wellness Universe.

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