QOTD for April 13th by Jiji Chai

QOTD for April 13th by Jiji Chai #WUVIP #QOTD #QuoteOfTheDay

Enjoy The Wellness Universe QOTD for April 13th by Jiji Chai.
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Here is her expanded thought …

It is always a joy to see bright colors popping out from the ground come spring time. Little flowers, like spring bloom crocuses, brighten any patch with their golden yellow, purple and white parade. Wherever you plant this snow crocus mixture they always thrive and bloom come springtime. However rocky the soil could be, the roots of these bulbs somehow find a way to spread out and around any rocks that prevent them from obtaining the nourishment they need from the ground. When an unexpected storm comes during springtime, these spring bloom crocuses simply close their buds, and they are always ready to open when the sun shines back again.

When the weather forecasts that spring has arrived and you see all these bright colors showing off their blooms, you may think of other seedlings to plant in the ground, those that are sensitive to frost and you patiently nurtured indoors. While the skies are blue and the spring birds sing, you lovingly dig a hole for each of these seedlings, making sure they have enough room to grow and mature. You cannot help but marvel what miracle these seedlings have in store for you from tiny seeds. How delicate is their process of growth, and yet responsive is their survival by design. Provide them with what they need and they just flourish before your very eyes.

You are aware you did everything you could to create the right environment for your seedlings to grow, but an unexpected storm arrives and you worry for their survival. All the tedious labor you put in, with expectance of a bountiful harvest, may just be washed away with the rain. You may provide them temporary coverings to shelter them from the storm but there is nothing you can do to stop the rain. Someone bigger is in control and you can only recall how He granted your request the last time you called on Him. He is still there, just a prayer away. He watches over your little plants and honors your every effort. He does not change. Your little plants are aware of that.

The stages of life progress but sometimes unpredictable, like the weather. We grow and bloom as expected but it occurs at different phases in our journey. We need to learn to navigate around factors we cannot control. Life may give us the right thing at the wrong time, but if we have the right attitude we would get through it somehow. We may drag our feet unwilling to take the next step, but as long as we keep on moving we would somehow reach our destination, even at a slower pace. When we see storms in life too big to conquer, let us learn from the little flowers – be resilient, steadfast and never afraid to bloom.

Meet Jiji Chai


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