QOTD for April 24th by Gerry Straatemeier

QOTD for April 24th by Gerry Straatemeier #WUVIP #QOTD #Quote

Enjoy The Wellness Universe QOTD for April 24th by Gerry Straatemeier.
Follow the link at the end of this article to learn how to connect with her.
Here is her expanded thought …

In life, we all make mistakes and we have all hurt people as a result of them. We have also all been hurt because of someone else\’s mistakes. Our lives changed, so did theirs, and sometimes we stay stuck in the grief of our losses.  So we try to bargain with our pain by asking ourselves one question over and over again: “WHY?” As though knowing why could change anything – or even as though we could ever really understand WHY. The real answer is always, “It’s complicated.”

I don\’t know about you, but I spent whole decades trying to understand why certain things happened as they did, why we all made the choices we did. Truth is, “Stuff happened and people got hurt.” Some of it was my fault. Some of it wasn’t. That’s life, for ALL of us. We are all learning as we go along. It’s probably our reason for being here – learning lessons.

Not surprisingly, as long as I kept ruminating about “WHY,” I stayed powerless and STUCK. Why? Because even if I could know the answer(s), it doesn’t change anything. I can’t change the PAST. It’s gone. Let it go.

Could I have chosen differently? Actually, NO! Everything I understood at that moment and everything I perceived from that space made my choices inevitable. The same is true for everyone else involved.

If you are struggling with “WHY” about something, let me say that the only good reason to know WHY something happens is if it will help you to either do it again or avoid doing it again.

To heal, you need to look back at yourself and everyone else through eyes of Love. Your huge task is to forgive yourself, and everyone else, for everything that has ever happened in your life that caused you grief. Make a list if it helps. Journal if it helps.  Share with a good friend or a coach if it helps.

Once you let yourself and everyone else off the hook, you are then free to craft a way forward with joy and purpose.

Meet Gerry Straatemeier

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