QOTD for April 27th by Ashley Brewer

QOTD for April 27th by Ashley Brewer #QOTD #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay

Enjoy The Wellness Universe QOTD for April 27th by Ashley Brewer.
Follow the link at the end of this article to learn how to connect with her.
Here is her expanded thought …

I’m sure all of us have at least one secret about ourselves that we have sworn we will take with us to our final breath. I know I definitely had a few. Secrets from my past that I was so ashamed to talk about in fear of being judged, that I allowed myself to hold them in and keep myself sick and unable to heal. It makes sense to want to hide those shameful memories to not only protect ourselves but also protect others. However, we are actually doing the exact opposite by holding it all inside. We are doing ourselves a terrible disservice by disallowing the truth to come to the light. It took me a long time to accept this, but amazing things occurred once I did.

The truth is, the healing process begins the moment we face those secrets head on and allow ourselves to talk about them with at least one person we trust. We start talking about it with one person, and then in time, we can openly discuss our past secrets because we learn that others can relate to a portion of our story. We can inspire others who have also felt the shame of their secrets and encourage them to talk about them and heal as well.

If you are ready to begin healing, but the thought of telling another person scares the crap out of you, I will suggest a technique I learned in therapy that really helped me put things in perspective and allow my truths to have a voice. My counselor suggested that I record a video on my phone and for me to tell my secrets to the video. The video camera does not judge, gossip, or lie and I also had the ability to delete it shortly afterward. I used this process regularly and let what I needed to out. The more videos I made, the less I cared about the need to delete them immediately for fear of someone else potentially seeing it.

Pretty soon, I was able to talk about my secrets with my counselor. When I realized she was not surprised by the things I told her, as others have said similar things before me, it was evident that the fears that consumed me were all of my own making. I was then able to talk about my past with my sponsor, and then over time, in a 12-step meeting. The day I shared my past in a meeting and another member approached me afterward and said, “Thank you for sharing what you did today. I have been there too and you really inspired me to not be scared to talk about it,” I knew I was on my way to making peace with my past.



Please Meet Ashley Brewer

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