QOTD for March 4th by Jennie Dennison

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Jennie Dennison  #WUVIP #live #aspire www.TheWellnessUniverse.com

The Wellness Universe QOTD for March 4th by Jennie Dennison


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day for March 4th by Jennie and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


We all have hopes, dreams, goals and ambitions. In order to achieve them, we have to start somewhere and most of the time it involves us venturing into the unknown, outside of our \’comfort zone\’. For some, that’s exciting and motivating; some people seem to naturally live, thrive and gravitate towards that kind of energy. For others of us, we aspire to be that way but we aren’t there yet. It’s a ‘confidence wobble spiral’ or classic ‘chicken and the egg’ scenario. We won’t get the confidence unless we try – but in order to try, we need the confidence… right??? Our minds are amazing, wondrously clever and powerful tools, we just have to know how to use them to our advantage.
The unspoken rule – for a quick mood or confidence booster, “act as if”.
Whatever you aspire for deep in your heart, in your mind you will “act as if” it is true and real for the here and now. Completely embody that image; how you would feel, how you would look, how you might talk, what your posture would be. Your mind will transform your outlook. Your outlook will affect different behaviours. Those different behaviours reinforce your mind… and so it continues and builds. Before you know it, suddenly you have made your wish come true and it’s all taken place by the power of your own beautiful and amazing mind.



Visit and see more from Jennie at www.facebook.com/A-Better-Place-

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