The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by JoAnn Aparo Neurath

quote of the day wednesdayThe Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by JoAnn Aparo Neurath

The shortest road to joy, is an unburdened one. Pack Love, it never gets heavy! Our quote of the day and expanded thought submitted by JoAnn. Read below for deeper inspiration.

JoAnn A 61

Recognizing the greatness within you is paying attention to what makes your heart sing and connects you with your mission and purpose in life. What matters is what we love, for that is what determines the true and final course of our lives. The light from within us springs forth this up welling source of love. We then discover this relationship in the mirror of the present moment. If we get caught up in thought, we cannot see the purpose of life that is right in front of us.

For more from JoAnn Aparo Neurath please visit

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