Soccerex Spotlight: Harry Sherwood and Melanie McDaniel,

The Soccerex Wellness Zone Spotlight on Founders of Harry Sherwood and Melanie McDaniel.

Soccerex USA takes place this year in Miami, Florida at Marlin’s Stadium on November 15-16. The Wellness Universe proudly brings top level coaches, therapists, methods and products to you in the Soccerex Wellness Zone.

Please meet holistic health coaches Harry Sherwood and Melanie McDaniel and get o know how they are transforming lives through their unique practice.

Please introduce yourselves: 

Together Melanie McDaniel and Harry Sherwood founded, guiding people in holistic health through conscious lifestyle coaching.

Coming from a challenging childhood, Melanie McDaniel seeks to help others. As a pre-med student she realized the answers she looked for weren’t found in Western medicine. Melanie\’s dedication to healing from her own posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), led her to her specialty in helping people process and heal from any sort of trauma. Further along the way, Melanie learned about natural healing and emotional release. Seeing its profound impact on her life, she now uses homeopathics, emotional release technique, and other healing modalities with her clients.

Harry Sherwood\’s dedication to transformation started in sports performance coaching high school football but eventually led him to travel the world. Over the last decade he lived with and learned from monks, yogis, martial arts masters, professors, and psychologists. Harry practiced thousands of hours of meditation, received a Consciousness Studies degree from the University of Michigan, and become an inspirational speaker. He studied Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Kriya Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and psychology.  Harry also took part in shamanic ceremonies, tribal ceremonies, plant-medicine ceremonies, and funeral ceremonies ranging from China to Ghana to Indonesia to California. The culmination of these experiences led Harry to found, where he and Melanie guide people to transformation in mind, body, and spirit through their Conscious Lifestyle Program.


Please introduce us to what you will bring to Soccerex USA.  

We will bring the Soccerex attendees into the conversation of life transformation through holistic health.  Throughout the conference, Melanie, our emotional release expert, will be offering 15 minute sessions to open the conversation to getting rid of the emotional blockages that hold us all back from being the best version of ourselves, and the best athletes that we can be.  The five modalities that we teach and utilize are Meditation, Plant-Based Nutrition, Emotional Release, Lifestyle Coaching, and Natural Remedies.  Our mission is to help people and athletes alike live a conscious lifestyle by recognizing that health in mind, body, and spirit is a choice, and individuals must make that decision for themselves.  We are guides along the journey, but “you are the one you have been waiting for.”


Why do you feel Soccer needs your services? 

There is a rising awareness amongst athletes today recognizing the undeniable link between physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.  The singular “treat the body only,” approach to health and wellness, and therefore overall sports performance, is quickly becoming a thing of the past.  If athletes are going to perform at their optimal level, and truly become the best version of themselves in every way possible, a holistic approach to health and lifestyle is imperative.  The equally important part of this approach is that it is not only athletes that need to transition to a holistic lifestyle but the entire world.  Soccer is the most followed and played sport worldwide with over half of the world’s population being a part of the global family.  Professional soccer is a very large domino on the world’s stage and has a powerful opportunity to bring true interest and importance to holistic health and a conscious lifestyle.  This is an opportunity for the entire world to step out of the rapidly growing epidemic of poor health and to step into an unprecedented level of worldwide wellness.


How will an individual benefit? 

Holistic health and conscious lifestyle coaching is about learning who you are at your core, getting rid of anything that is holding you back, and creating a lifestyle to support that.  Our goal is to help the athletes reveal who they are by processing and transforming beliefs, trauma, and self-perception.  Through Plant-Based Nutrition, Meditation, Emotional Release, Lifestyle Coaching, and Natural Remedies we act as guides for the athletes and organizations to live life consciously and in alignment with their truest self.

Plant-Based Nutrition – this up and coming nutritional style is an amazingly beneficial way to increase sports performance by decreasing inflammation in the body, speeding up recovery time, ridding the body of any excess weight, increasing overall energy levels, and clearing the body of any toxic build up that can cause any number of diseases.  Plant-based nutrition is also a powerful way to positively influence mental health by balancing chemicals and hormones in the body as well as, once again, decreasing inflammation.

Meditation – is one of the most powerful modalities for overall wellness because it can simultaneously benefit our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.  By simply implementing a few visualizations and breathing techniques, we can positively affect our:

– Body by lowering blood pressure, helping calm the PNS (parasympathetic nervous system) allowing for repair and regeneration, and is a powerful boost to the immune system by slowing production of cortisol.

– Mind by reducing stress and anxiety, improving our sleep cycles, increasing our creativity, clarity, and focus, and boosting our overall mental edge.

– Emotions by reducing sadness, anger, depression, self-judgment, and more negative feelings by breaking cyclical mental and emotional processes, learning new ways to process emotions, and learning how to focus while in a state of overwhelm.

– Spiritual by learning to tap into a silent and still place where the mind, body, and emotions cease to be distractions leaving only a deeply peaceful experience.  Meditation opens the doorway to our own serene sanctuary within where we can be in a powerfully connected place to ourselves and to our higher truth, no matter what one’s belief system.

Emotional Release – is a cutting-edge modality that is desperately needed for athletes to perform at their highest capacity.  In most places around the world, we are not taught about emotional release and how to process the myriad of emotional experiences that we encounter throughout our lives.  Anything from small experiences to large traumas stay with us affecting how we live our lives, what fears govern our abilities, and act as chains that hold us back from our truest potential.

Lifestyle Coaching – is an incredibly important piece of the puzzle to help athletes realize their biggest dreams and goals.  Knowing what an athlete wants out of their career and the type of person they want to become helps form a vision to strive for in life.  Lifestyle coaching helps the individual find their core values, create a vision for life, set goals to achieve these, be held accountable to walking in line with their vision, and lends a helping hand along the way.

Natural Remedies – are greatly important for athletes in particular.  Our bodies and environments are riddled with toxins from the painkillers and prescriptions athletes take to manage inflammation and pain.  Over the counter painkillers are increasingly causing ulcers, kidney disease, heart disease, etc., and in the U.S. alone are causing nearly 16,000 deaths and over 100,000 emergency room visits per year.  Natural remedies brings in plant-based solutions so that they can get rid of the list of negative side effects that results from medications and other commonly used products while treating the problem.


How will an organization benefit? 

Investing in your organization’s wellness is a smart investment for its future.  Does increasing your athletes’ performance levels and your organization\’s overall productivity level while reducing costs sound good to you?

Multiple studies have looked into the effects of organizational wellness programs and what benefits they bring to the company’s ROI (return on investment) and VOI (value of investment).

The findings report higher bottom line ROI and VOI as a result of:

  • Fewer days of absenteeism
  • Fewer sick days
  • Higher level of employee performance and productivity
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Lowered health and insurance costs
  • Reduced turnover and training costs
  • Strengthens teamwork and cooperation
  • Reduces stress and decreases human error

All of this is on top of all of the benefits discussed above that each individual will experience.  It doesn’t matter what size your organization is, bringing in a well-designed wellness program will bring amazing benefits across the board.  Athletes, management, and employees all win. Your organization is introduced to and guided through something that can literally change their lives forever. In deciding to invest in their wellness, you are offering your athletes and employees an opportunity to learn life extending information and participate in their own health in amazingly beneficial ways… not to mention that it simply shows them that you care.

Lastly, as stated above, you are actively becoming a leader in the holistic health and conscious lifestyle space.  With great power comes great responsibility and with over half the world’s population watching, choosing health is an incredibly powerful statement.

How do you deliver your services?

Our Conscious Lifestyle Program utilizes all five of the holistic health modalities we discussed above to help organizations and athletes reveal their highest potential.  This program can serve individuals as well as groups, teams, and organizations.

If serving an entire organization, part one of the process will begin with a strategy session with the decision makers to map out a plan of action best suited for their goals and focus.

Once we decide on how we can best serve our clients, we will host the first wellness event to speak to the entire organization in person. The wellness event is designed to educate, inspire, and bring your athletes and employees onboard with holistic health and our specific program.  These events are also part two of the decision making process as to how we can best serve the organization by including each and every person involved.

The event consists of:

  • Our philosophy behind holistic health and the modalities we use
  • Nutrition/ Sports Nutrition class
  • Meditation talk and guided meditation
  • Group vision board, where we create your organization’s holistic health and conscious lifestyle goals together
  • Q&A session where we answer any questions regarding health and the process going forward

This event will be followed up with one final strategy session with the decision makers to put the finishing touches on the best way to proceed with the organization’s vision in focus.

Once we are ready to get started, one on one sessions with each athlete and participant will be scheduled to work out any personal details and goals.  Once this process is complete, respective groups will be assigned consisting of accountability partners.  Each group will meet with our conscious lifestyle coaches weekly to begin the journey towards executing the organizations vision.

Each Conscious Lifestyle Program runs a minimum of 6 months in order to introduce each modality to the individual in a way that will be sustainable into the future. While it is a minimum of 6 months, the program can be extended indefinitely if desired.  Each individual’s progress will be different and each person will need work in various arenas.

The power of the Conscious Lifestyle Program is held in the multifaceted approach we take to success.  Each athlete and individual will experience first hand how transformative holistic health and conscious lifestyle coaching can be for his or her career, but this is only the beginning.  An organization that works together succeeds together, which is why being held accountable by just the coaches is not enough.  Matching each person with a personal accountability partner as well as their larger accountability group is a powerful way to get results.  The final way to insure success is rooted in the same reason we have the group vision board session at the initial Wellness Event; when everyone has a hand in building the vision, everyone has much more investment in seeing it succeed.  This program goes beyond a playing season and even a career; it gives the tools and understanding to build a new lifestyle for the rest of your life.


How can you be contacted: 

The best way to reach us is to call our company number 1-800-837-0127 or to email us at [email protected] and [email protected]

Meet Harry and Melanie in booth 124 and attend their talks on the Wellness Stage once on Thursday 11/15 and once on Friday 11/16:

\’The Power of the Conscious Lifestyle Program\’




Who will be at Soccerex USA? Wellness Zone