The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Ashley Brewer

quote of the day monday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Ashley Brewer

A brave quote from a fearless woman, Ashley Brewer. Struggle or know someone who does? Read her expanded thought for more inspiration.

ashley brewer WU 45

I took me a number of years & multiple attempts at recovery before I finally understood that my addiction started in my mind & that drugs were but a symptom of an underlying issue.

In previous attempts to get clean, I found that not long after removing the toxic substances from my life, I was faced with a hailstorm of emotions that I had no idea what to do with. I never grasped the coping skills I needed to deal with the situations of my past that led me to seek relief from to begin with. Inevitably, I relapsed and this pattern went on for several more years until I hit my rock bottom & sought recovery again. This time around was different though. I was finally doing it for myself & not another person or institution.

I entered the rooms of 12 step fellowship with open eyes. I saw the 12 steps in a way I never seen them before. Upon working the steps with my sponsor, I learned so much about myself. I learned my strengths as well as my character defects. I learned how to accept myself, good & bad, past & present. I learned the tools I needed to face my past demons, & actually feel the emotions they brought me and worked through them. When we allow ourselves to feel, when we become entirely willing to deal, it is at that moment we begin to heal. I\’m grateful for the gift that was shown to me for I\’m free from the bondage of addiction today.

For more inspiration from Ashley please visit her

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