The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Barbara

quote of the day Saturday
The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Barbara

Let\’s take the weekend to reconnect to that dream we allowed to fade. Redirect our wayward momentum, take action and find inspiration. Thank you Barbara for our quote of the day.

Barbara PS WU 19

Barbara\’s expanded thought on her original quote of the day:

We all have dreams. It is action that awakens the genius in us. 

How often do we envision where our passions and talents can take us in this life if we truly succeeded at putting ourselves out there? And how often do the distractions of our day put the dream on hold? And how often, after facing roadblocks or setbacks in our achieving this dream do we become discouraged and let that passion fade?

When we do that, we feel the light and joy fade from us, and slip into an old comfort zone that is no longer comfortable or life giving. We slip into settling for living each day perpetuating the pattern of living that gets you by but never gets you inspired.

I implore each of us, myself included, to embrace that fire that warmed your heart and lightened your soul. When an obstacle confronts you, meet it in confidence, little by little chip away at whatever keeps you from your goal. Stay connected to the dream and discover a growth of capacity, of faith and of inspiration with every step! Sometimes we are led to a stone wall to discover our ability to climb it.

For more of Barbara\’s inspiring thoughts, visit her


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