The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Cindy Figueroa

quote of the day tuesday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Cindy Figueroa

It is always inside you, the power of love. Seek this path to guide you. Thank you Cindy for today\’s feature quote of the day. See below for her expanded thought.

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Sometimes our life’s journey may seem full of unexpected challenges. It is then that perhaps a cloud of sadness or fear could blind our eyes. But, behind every experience there is always light, there is always a message of Love that awaits to be unveiled. All you need to do us listen to the true voice of your heart, which is Love, peace and total radiance forevermore.

Wherever you are now, wherever you’ve been or will be, just let Love lead the way and you will always be heading on the right direction. It is my prayer that you always remember that your true eternal identity is only Love. Shine bright, divine brothers & sisters! May you live, grow and flourish. Namaste.

Cindy Figueroa

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