The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Di Riseborough

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Di Riseborough #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #QOTD #QuoteOfTheDay

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Di Riseborough


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Di Riseborough and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


We will never be whole unless we visit all 4 levels daily (spiritual, physical, mental & emotional) and embrace the pieces we don\’t like about ourselves. We all have parts of ourselves we do not like. Perhaps it\’s the manipulator within when we want to get our own way, or the snarky brat who wants to have a dig at someone. I know these parts of ourselves feel yucky and shameful, but they are a part of who we are. It does not mean we are them every second of every day. It\’s not as if you wake up in the morning and decide to put on a certain \’character\’ for the day.


They came about as we found ways to keep us safe from feeling hurt, our defenses, and our coping mechanisms. As we become aware of when they arise (by shining the light on the shadows we keep hidden), and how they impact us and others, we can begin to heal that aspect of ourself, releasing the shame we feel about having them. But remember there is light and dark to everything. Sometimes the \’perfectionist\’ comes out to play as someone who gets things done, or as a good organizer.


As we accept we are not perfect and learn to love our imperfections, we allow ourselves to be seen which gives others permission to do the same. The key here is to not allow your inner critic to grab hold of any judgments that come at you, as you will always be judged by someone. Embrace the aspect of yourself that you push away or deny having…it does not mean you have to wear it all the time. Test drive them, become mindful and see where they are an asset and where they might be holding you back.


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