The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Di Riseborough

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Di Riseborough #WUVIP #rediscover #you

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Di Riseborough


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Di  and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


We all have this innate essence within which we carried with us when we were born, but as life\’s circumstances happened to us along the way, we began to create a language of various beliefs and thoughts about ourselves which began to cover up that true self. To keep safe, it went into hiding and we lost our sense of \’self\’. We identify with the various roles we play in our lives, hiding behind a mask in case we are rejected, all the while this little spark within lingers, waiting to be set free. Do you ever feel as if something is missing or not sure who you really are? Perhaps you are too afraid to find out, in case you won\’t like it?
Don\’t be. It\’s never too late to rediscover YOU…that is the YOU that is alive, creative and authentic. Once you do that, your self esteem improves and your greater sense of self makes better choices. Remember, you do not need to do this alone, but it takes a little courage to take the first step. Be still, dig deep within and ask that little spark within to guide you. It knows the way, you just need to listen.


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