The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Don Shapiro

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Don Shapiro #WUVIP #Grow #Learn

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Don Shapiro


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Don and find more inspiration on his page. Here is his expanded thought…


Oh, do we have experiences. And some of them have been pretty intense. Others have lasted much longer than we wanted. We\’ve had some wonderful, joyous uplifting times. We had some mediocre times. And we\’ve been through pain, hurt, frustration, rejection, dead ends, plans gone wrong, hopes trounced and more.
If you\’ve been on planet earth for a few decades, you\’ve collected a boatload of experiences. Too often, we allow those experiences to build walls around us that define what we can and can\’t do, what we can and can\’t be, what we will and won\’t be able to accomplish in this life. We let our past choices and experience limit who we are and what we can become.
They say experience is the best teacher. Those experiences are there to help us learn things about ourselves, those around us and the way our world works. And they are mighty fine teachers if we take the time to learn the lessons these experiences offer.
But those experiences are not meant to teach us limits. They are meant to give us wisdom and perspective. Of course, there are some things where it\’s a good idea to learn our limits especially concerning sports and physical activity as we grow older. Unless one has maintained their athletic conditioning and flexibility, it\’s usually not a good idea to try an “ollie” on a skateboard in your fifties!
Yet, because we are imperfect human beings, we unconsciously allow our past experiences to restrain us. We don\’t venture forth where we used to because we got burned the last time we did it. We may become fearful about entering relationships due to our past experiences or give up hope that we can find true love. We might not be as inclined to launch a new venture or change our careers.
Now is the time to realize that all those past experiences are only teachers, not boxes, roadblocks, or brick walls. It isn\’t the outside world that holds us back. It is our own past that often causes us to put on the brakes too quickly or not go down that road again.
You were born with an amazing capacity to grow, learn and change. You possess an incredible potential to do so much more and be so much more than you ever considered possible. Extract all the lessons you can from your past without letting them hold you back. Use your past as a springboard to pursue much more beautiful, bold and bodacious visions of what you can become, what you can be doing and who you can be doing it with.
Let your visions of the future soar. Explore the depths of your potential. Embrace all you can be and wave goodbye to your past self.
Visit and see more from Don at

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