The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Helena Kalivoda

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Helena Kalivoda #WUVIP #experience #spiritual

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Helena Kalivoda


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Helena and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Everyone’s life events, passions, talents, experiences, everyone’s consciousness is a thread that is with each of us throughout our multitude of lives. We were privileged ones many times, we were paupers, we were short and tall, we took on different roles. We lived in many forms of consciousness and bodily forms. We evolved and came back. Further evolutions transpired and we came back again and again.

Every bit of experiences added a flavour of its own that has inched us forward. During our lifetimes, events have come to provide us with understanding how well we have practiced what we know. How well we have lived it. How well we have used what we know. This has provided an evidence of our understanding our own power of creation, as that is what we are – creators, molded in the image of All There Is; we are molecules, fractions of our Source.

Should we need to progress and awaken, an event of turmoil and suffering may come to advance us to where we are meant to be. We move on in our evolution as individuals, also as species. With transformation, our understanding rises and our consciousness takes a qualitative leap. This can be so powerful that it becomes the milestone of looking at our lives and interactions with a different understanding.

The power of realization, of enlightenment, is so profound that once we reach that state we will not slide back to our previous ways. Those awakened ones become a guiding post. More teachers, guides, facilitators will be born and more and more of those crossing their paths will be shaken out of their lethargic ways of living.

Never forget who you are. Always remember your connection with your spirit. Always listen to your inner voice. Always know your origins are not on this planet. Keep that in your mind.

Visit and see more from Helena at

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