The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry Straatemeier

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Gerry Straatemeier #WUVIP #happiness #love

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry Straatemeier


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Love is a soul-attribute – it is our Divine Core. When I finally learned to reliably access that Love and let it flow OUT, it filled a yawning hole in me that I had been looking for others to fill.

I was depressed. Maybe you know someone like me. I remember the years of feeling “unlovable” because I was “flawed” and the pain that it caused. It doesn’t matter what set that belief in my growing up years, or what skill sets I was missing as a teen and young adult that perpetuated it, I was WRONG. My low self-esteem and the self-fulfilling expectation of rejection came from within me. It was just another symptom of my depression.

Most of us don’t grow up being instructed on this important life-hack: you don’t have to be depressed to come up empty-handed when you look for love sourced from outside of yourself. The Law of Attraction says you receive what you ARE, not what you desire. If you are feeling blue, the fix comes by GIVING Love to others. Get out of your SELF. Notice what others need. Raise your vibrational level through acts of kindness. Spend 10 minutes and $10 with a homeless person. Take a lonely friend out to dinner and a movie. Volunteer to read to schoolchildren or help out in a food bank or …fill in the blank. When you bring joy to others, you can’t help but feel happier yourself.



Visit and see more fromGerry at


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