The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy Camie

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Amy Camie #WUVIP #vision #eye

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy Camie


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Today’s quote and expanded thoughts come from my meditation journal, “Awaken to Yourself.” These insights were inspired by questions formed during a 2009 Diamond Star Ceremony using The ORIGINS Process.

Gem Message Selected: Pinecone 28: Polaris – CENTERPOINT

Question: “When you stand at the center point, which way are you looking?”

My Journal Entry: I remember when this question came through during the ceremony and my answer is still the same, WITHIN. I stop, close my eyes and look within. The darkness feels as if it\’s moving under my eyelids – waves, pulses, then stillness. My vision shifts and another eye opens from within. My body is no longer needed in the same way so it relaxes to the point where I don\’t even feel it. My mind and thoughts are free to release attachments to the outer vision and float along, curious to hear what emerges from this darkness – open to listening – which is a new experience for me since, in the past, my mind would try to control it and “protect” me from ME. Now, in this place of darkness within, I sense a joy of discovery and I am what (who) is being discovered… by ME. Interesting twist – the me that I have created to cover up the true ME is searching for that ME that I have covered up. It\’s time to unify and bring those two ME\’s together – the Inner ME and the Outer ME.


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