The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry Straatemeier

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry-Straatemeier-WU-133

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry Straatemeier

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


I write this to ask you to help to…

  1. Educate your family and friends as to the vital role biodiversity plays in maintaining livable conditions for humans and other life on earth, and to
  2. Join me in helping to provide habitat for wildlife, including birds and insects and creepy-crawly things – in whatever small way you feel comfortable.

Species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate because of habitat loss due to human destruction of wildernesses, rivers and lakes, rainforests, climate change, poisons, etc. – and many people seem not to understand that we are as vitally connected to the earth as any other species.

The laws of nature always involve balance.  Each species of fauna and flora has its place in the interconnected whole that is life on this planet.  Even insects are vitally important. Currently, for instance, bee and other pollinator die-off due to agricultural poisons threatens our entire global food supply.

With each loss of a species there is an imbalance in the food chain that disrupts the entire ecosystem.



Visit and see more from Gerry at



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